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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: These three make up my tech sector which always seems to take the biggest hit when the market tanks like Fri. I am thinking of cutting one out. Which one would you consider to be the one prone to drop the most when the overall market behaves like this? I thought OTC would be the safest but it took the biggest hit Fri.
Read Answer Asked by Arthur on September 12, 2016
Q: Hi 5i Research team, I have a long term horizon, and more of a growth oriented investor profile. I prefer to well understand the companies I invest in. The technology sector represents a challenge for me in terms of software products, competition, rapidly changing conditions, obsolescence, variety of software portfolio, etc. So I would like to built a sector exposure based on a few companies instead of using an ETF. Based on reading 5i Research, I am thinking a combination of CSU, KXS, GIB.A, OTC, ESL, DSG, TCS, SYZ,SH. Do you agree with this strategy? Would you include some other companies in this list or replace some? In what order would you rank them in terms of total return potential over long term and overall quality? How many of them would be enough? Would you suggest another weighting than equal weight (2% each)? I also need criteria to manage this group since my understanding won't be up to par. How will I know when to sell, or when to over or underweight in some companies? I would not want to react too strongly to short term events (quarterly results). How would you suggest I implement this strategy (buying strategy)? Thank you, Eric
Read Answer Asked by Eric on September 12, 2016
Q: Being a victim of success, for which 5 I is to blame, I have a question about allocation. I'm sure you've been accused of worse things than making people money!

I started a 3% position with Savaria, which has now grown to 4.5%. I started a 2.5% position in Shopify (the US equivalent) which has also grown to just under 4.5%.

The question is, do you suggest trimming these back, or are they strong enough to continue unchecked for a while? I have a portfolio that is just under 500K and don't know if it's a wise bet to place an almost full position in two relatively newer entities in a portfolio of this size. Thanks, as ever, for your help.
Read Answer Asked by Sylvia on September 09, 2016
Q: HI guys,
I own shares in ESL which is down 25% this year so far. I am debating adding to this sector by purchasing SH or selling ESL. What are your expectations for SH for 2016-2017?
I also own MST.UN through a non registered personal account and am looking to buy D.UN-they are giving a 9.2% return. Would you consider this a good acquisition given the low real estate environment in Alberta? Do you think keeping this in a personal non- registered account is a good move with respect to taxes?
Also I plan to buy shares in Suncor and then doing closed calls. I have never done this before and am nervous about it because I don't really understand it. I also don't know which website to use to research calls and sells on a daily basis. Any suggestions?
Thanks for all your help,
Read Answer Asked by Robert on August 29, 2016
Q: Shopify is going up everyday since the announcement of the equity issue. Which is a better buy between the two companies KXS and SH.

Also do you know anything about the company Data Communications Management Corp (DMC). Is this company safe to invest in?
Read Answer Asked by Imtiaz on August 22, 2016
Q: I notice sometimes you suggest selling after a security rises quickly and sharply, but for the most part suggest selling related to fundamental changes or portfolio weighting.

For shopify my weighting is fine, but has risen $36 to $51 quickly. With limited info that it's around 3.5% of a diversified portfolio, is this one to take a little off the table or let ride given fundamentals & weighting?
Read Answer Asked by John on August 09, 2016
Q: Could you give your insight into the growth profile for Shopify wrt revenue, margins, balance sheet, etc. Who are or could be their customers? What is their biggest risk? What are some companies, current ones and already successful ones, that you might compare Shopify to? And if you did rate it, what letter grade would you give it?
Thanks for your continuous assessment of so many different companies. Tis very informative.
Read Answer Asked by James on July 18, 2016
Q: Hello Peter,
Yesterday the markets were cautious, today they seem exuberant. The stocks that I want your opinion on, have snapped back from the Friday of the referendum and near their high. Trading is thin that adds to the volatility too.
My portfolio adjustments involve exiting a position in IGM and buying KXS, SH NFI and PKI. Would you buy now or is there a probability of a better opportunity when the market adjusts to the snapback? Is there any of the ones mentioned above where you would be cautious of initiating a new position at today’s prices? And if now is as good a time as any which ones would you start with and which would you wait for a better entry point? I have not been very convincing to myself about replacing IGM with PKI and trusting your professional expertise. Could you tell me why PKI is better? As always, appreciate your viewpoint.
Read Answer Asked by Rajiv on July 14, 2016
Q: i own both kxs and sh, they both have been getting hit because of the brexit vote but up until thursday nite they were both flying especially kxs, so my question what do these 2 stocks have to do with great britain or is it just they have gone up a lot , raise cash and sell the winners. dave
Read Answer Asked by david on June 27, 2016