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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: I am wondering how to assess SHOP going forward based on its recent runup. If the increase is due, in large part due to perceived success during COVID, the next quarterly earnings report will only partly reflect their success/failure for this period. Are you then looking for the guidance they give, the quarterly results they post or will you be continuing to value the company based more on what you know about them from having followed them for some time? I guess my question is valid for all companies during the next 6 months but this one has run up so much, I am wondering if I am being unduly cautious as to how much I continue to hold.

Appreciate your insight.

Paul F.
Read Answer Asked by Paul on April 27, 2020
Q: Shop has become one of the top 3 companies in terms of market cap in Canada. Past companies such as BlackBerry, Valeant etc when they took the top stop their fall was epic. Do you think this time is different and investors are ready to have tech lead over banks? In the US we see tech as these trillion dollar companies but in Canada we still value to banks as the biggest companies. I think the tide might we changing.
Read Answer Asked by Sal on April 27, 2020
Q: Hi there,

Shopify appears that it will not continue it's rise. Sell now or buy more?
Berkshire Hathaway A seems to be, in essence, a pricey mutual/ETF fund but one that has fallen and history would suggest will rebound. Buy now or is it your thinking that Buffet and Monger are elderly and this increases risk and/or the Canadian $ too weak and/or stick with B and diversify. Or none of the above? Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Wendy on April 27, 2020
Q: The financial people keep on saying they are looking first at the company`s Balance Sheet. Therefore which, Stocks have the strongest and best Balance Sheet? Also, include US stocks as well as Canadian stocks, because I do hold both.
Read Answer Asked by Herbert on April 24, 2020
Q: I own all these as part of my tech sector which has now grown to 26.57% (getting a bit high I think)

SHOP position has grown a bit larger recently, how would you balance this out? If I trim back SHOP a few %, what other names here would you increase right now?

Read Answer Asked by Keith on April 24, 2020
Q: Pardon my logic (or lack thereof as it 5:40 am). I did a comparative chart of Shop and AMZN for a period of 1 year and 3 months. Over those two time periods SHOP is up 197% and 65 %, respectively while AMZN is up 21% and 24% over these two respective time periods. I am using the G&M watchlist.
If there is a hint of logic in Shop's share price would that not make AMZN a screaming buy?
Read Answer Asked by Danny-boy on April 23, 2020
Q: Hi Peter and Staff

I realize P/E doesn’t seem to matter in growth tech companies - However I cant help but wonder how CSU and SHOP stock up in terms of P/E and Cash Flow from earnings per share both on a trailing 12 months basis and a future 12 months basis

I can’t help but wonder how SHOP can be same market cap as TD bank in terms of distributable cash flow per share regardless of whether they actually chose to do it

Also will your answer take into account the many stock options that employees have and must be surely to exercise

Thanks for all you do
Read Answer Asked by Dennis on April 23, 2020
Q: Hi,
SHOP has been a great performer for my portfolio. I reduced my position by approximately 40% yesterday. (April 21), thinking that the stock looked “topped out”. To my surprise it continued its uptrend today. I like to term this stock a “monster”. It’s unbelievable they way it’s moving up. Is this move sustainable and do you think we could see $1000 in the near future ? Also what is really driving this stock.... could you share your thoughts ?

Thank you and be safe .
Read Answer Asked by ilie on April 23, 2020
Q: I recently sold Shopify at a huge gain, as it had become more than 30% of my portfolio. Thank you for the recommendation. It was in my non-registered account, so I have a substantial capital gain. I have a lot of room in my TFSA, so I am going to move a majority of the proceeds there to avoid future capital gains. I will buy back into Shopify if the price retreats. Can you recommend any stocks, understanding that there is higher risk, that have a similar potential to Shopify? Can be Canadian or US. I have some Lightspeed already. Also, for future reference, did I make a reasonable move or should I have taken a different approach? Thanks
Read Answer Asked by Dave on April 21, 2020
Q: Hello 5i team,
I greatly enjoyed your report on Covid 19 and investment themes. I have a pretty good idea as to 10 to 20 names of stocks that could fit into those themes.
Could you name just 10; I'd be curious to see how close I am.
Read Answer Asked by Antoine on April 20, 2020
Q: Hello 5i,

Imagine that you already have a diversified portfolio you are happy with and plan to keep intact with no changes over a 10+ year investment horizon.

Now, you've watched the recent few months of meltdown sitting with $50,000 of cash that you're considering putting to work, representing maybe 6-7% of your total overall portfolio value/net worth.

Give absolutely no consideration to sector/position weightings, geography (CDN or US or gloabl), or risk tolerance. The only consideration is a 10+ year time frame. You're investing in things for the long term. No trading.

Imagine this was YOUR $50,000. You show up to the office on Monday, April 13. What do you buy today, if anything?

Thanks for all your advice. Read the questions daily. Your takes on this current meltdown I have found to be quite insightful and of far more value than most financial news out there. For this alone I consider my subscription to be money well spent.

Keep yourselves and your families safe!

Read Answer Asked by Ryan on April 13, 2020
Q: Have been dithering on having a greater tech exposure for my portfolio due to my ignorance of the space. Nonetheless, have narrowed down to two choices, Descartes or Taiwan Semiconductor. Given their low correlation (.25) would you favor, one, the other or both? (anticipated total exposure < 5%) Currently have a small, speculative position in PHO:CA (<2%) Other solid, possibly dividend paying suggestions are welcome. Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by David on April 13, 2020
Q: My Tech holdings are represented by csu; kxs; otex; shop; lspd. All held in TFSA. Have had good results with all except lspd which is a relatively new purchase and am willing to ride out my position in this company and wait for recovery.
You frequently mention DSG as a top pick in the tech sector and am considering selling otex and adding dsg. I do not want to increase my overall Tech position.
Your opinion?
Read Answer Asked by Bruce on April 09, 2020
Q: Hi,

I am trying to wrap my head around Shopify.

With all the craziness in the market due to COVID 19, how is it that this stock has held up.
It is up 12.7% YTD and a return of 118% in one year.

What is so special about this stock that it’s held up so well while other stocks within the same industry/sector are down 50%-60%.?

Read Answer Asked by ilie on April 09, 2020