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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: A follow-up question on Shopify. If someone has already asked, disregard.
What impact will/did the news have that the company was terminating fulfilment contracts with some providers? In your opinion, is this a positive or negative? Maybe a positive that they have found a better way to do it (themselves) or a negative that things aren't working out as planned? Should the company have anticipated the reaction to the news and had a better prepared statement to deflect some of the price reaction? Finally, do you consider this a gradual buying opportunity?
Read Answer Asked on January 24, 2022
Q: I would like to increase my tech holdings during this sell off and I have a long term horizon and willing to take on risk.

Can you rank the following in order of preference: Shop, NVDA, Topicus, Xebec , Unity, Lightspeed, Enthusiast Gaming.

Are there any in that list that should be sold off?
Read Answer Asked by Simon on January 24, 2022
Q: In a January 21 answer to a member’s question on SHOP, you stated that the P/E for SHOP was well over 100x, whereas the poser of the question thought it was close to 30x. I think the confusion is rooted upon 5i basing its calculation on adjusted earnings, whereas the member was likely considering GAAP earnings. I raise the point only because I have recently seen others state the P/E of SHOP as in the 30s as well, including in the G&M, and I think it would be helpful for 5i to be clear about which earnings it is using for its calculation. (I hope I am not wrong in my understanding of the situation).
Personally, as a DIY investor, the P/E is often one of the top 2 or 3 data points I use when making a buy/sell decision, and I would be tempted to guess this is true for many other members. For what it’s worth, I agree that the adjusted earnings are more relevant in the case of SHOP. I would very much welcome any further comments or blogs by 5i that discuss adjusted vs GAAP
Thank you for your more than excellent service. Hardly a week goes by where I don’t at some point read all the Q&A , reports and updates on your site. I have learned much.
Read Answer Asked by john on January 24, 2022
Q: What is your view on the downfall of Shopify? It's dropping way more than the market weakness. I believe the fundamentals are solid but this market and shop's performance makes one think twice. What is your take on what's happening? What support level will kick in and stop the bleeding? When does it report next and what does it need to report to be classified as good results? What do you anticipate? I have a small position that is getting smaller each day and am thinking of increasing my position.
Read Answer Asked on January 21, 2022
Q: For the aggressive part of my portfolio I have 1 to 2 percent positions in TTd, crwd and unity. You mentioned these are still expensive and I was wondering about taking that 5 percent and allocating it to shopify now that it has been cut in half and it’s PE is in the 30’s? Could we still see the possibility for significant drawdowns on Veev and apps, or could one or both of those be options for a less aggressive play for some of that money as well? There always is the option to do nothing with the rest of my portfolio being balanced. These moves would all have no tax consequences being part of a registered plan. Thx as always
Read Answer Asked by Brian on January 21, 2022
Q: Hi, There are lots of high growth companies out there with little or no free cash flow. Growth investors accept this because these companies invest aggressively in their own growth, development, market position, etc.

While it's understandable that high growth companies focus on their own growth now, presumably they will eventually need to switch to other forms of capital allocation. I am wondering if you have any insight into how much confidence we should have in which of these management teams will act in the best interest of shareholders when the time comes to maximize shareholder value via other forms of capital allocation. For example, if a company reaching maturity throws most of their resources into R&D despite diminishing returns it would not be in our best interest.

I realize the answer to this isn't completely knowable, so also interested in your general thoughts on this topic.
Read Answer Asked by Alex on January 21, 2022
Q: Having held SHOP (TSX) for a number of years, it's discouraging to watch it whither away. While this downturn plays out, would it make sense to short the US version of the stock? Obviously, there are considerable risks involved and it would require close attention for entries and exits, but it seems like this might mitigate some of the losses. Or is this a dumb idea? Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Michael on January 19, 2022
Q: At this time, what are your top picks (5 CDN, 5 US) for a 3-5 year hold in a registered account for an investor willing to take on an above average level of risk (but not high)? Sector does not matter. Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Martin on January 19, 2022
Q: I have a question for shopify it looks like there next report will come out on February 16. This company took a beating of $500.00 per share in the last 3 months, i am looking to get my feet wet on this company would you have any idea if they meat or beat their target can you see it taking off again.. And my other thought is i read alot of bartchart and it gives you signals like buy, sell, and hold which i do not follow it to closely but what i do check out on the companies that i am looking to add to my portfolio or if i already have them and that inside trading now i know why the tech's are taking a beating, pretty well almost all of them but not CSU in the last 6 months there is about 10 to 1 ratio that are mostly sellers. Some of these ceo or vp do not believe in their company. Thanks again guys sorry for making it so long you may charge me extra points.
Read Answer Asked by wilson on January 19, 2022
Q: I get that there is money moving out of growth (tech) and into other areas of the market. However, all the mentioned names here have CAGR of > 25% amongst other great fundamentals (free cash flow, equity,...). So long as fundamentals don't change, I can't see any reason to sell - only to add to these names on this opportunity. So long as business grows (and >25% is huge!) all these should be winners in the long term, no?

I've experienced significant whiplash with most of these stocks but am optimistic that with a longer timeline I should be okay.

I'm hoping for two things in your response:
1. Giving me comfort that my thinking is correct and if I hold on I should be okay, and;
2. Of the list, the one stock you would add to today.

Thx for the comfort,

Read Answer Asked by Cameron on January 18, 2022
Q: Hi 5i:

Having sold my US tech before the pandemic (???) and Canadian tech 2 months ago (???) I am considering jumping into the Canadian tech space again. Would please advise me on your 3 favourites and rational for each. Potential growth and "safety" long term are key considerations. Thank you for always great direction.

Read Answer Asked by Tom on January 17, 2022
Q: In your opinion, is it too late to get out of the higher valuation stocks like SHOP, CROWD, UNITY, APPS, CELH etc.? With 3-4 rate hikes coming possibly, would I be better off in the lower multiples like banks? Or is most of the damage already done?
Read Answer Asked by Neil on January 17, 2022
Q: I am constantly mystified by the stock market. SHOP dropped 8 % today on no news. As far as I can see there was very little volume (282,000) shares. My question is why would anyone sell these shares at 8% less today than yesterday when there is no news. What possible reason would there be? SHOP is currently the 2nd largest company in Canada. They provide a internet service for people trying to do business on-line. They have had consecutively better and better quarters. They have a very discernable moat. They have a huge future market. I can't see the downside, at least for the foreseeable future. For me it is like someone selling their Apple shares in 2007 because they felt the iphone wasn't going to succeed. My question is: why do people sell shares in profitable companies, at huge losses?
Read Answer Asked by Bryan on January 14, 2022
Q: Sentiment has shifted against Shopify. Stock seems to be free fall some days. Many analysts are lowering expectations. Is this an opportunity to buy? I don't understand all about the company that has made them what they are. What is their strength and what makes them so different? Can you provide a comment on where you see them in 1 year, 2 years, 3 years and beyond from now. Will their past growth continue into the future? What has made them so different and successful?
Read Answer Asked on January 14, 2022