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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hello 5i.
Thanks for the ongoing investor communication/Education.
I have had slightly positive overall results with mixed individual stock selection results utilizing 5i information.
Would have liked to be on the Shop ride but I could not buy into a stock moving up everyday and now doubled in three months. How do I not miss this next time?
I did buy the indicated holdings (SIS, GUD, ET, SYZ, PUR, TNC=cash)
Excluding TNC, the mix leaves me up 6.9% in the time frame of about a year or so..SYZ since 2014 and some various buying along the way.
I am not doing as well as you Portfolio so stock selection and timing clearly makes a difference.

With this list, should the Holdings be at full weights now for all of them?
For example, PUR is under small cap $ allotment while SYZ is over allotment.
Is there something I should be adding that is most appealing today even though I personally may have to hold my nose and buy? (Portfolio is well diversified and balanced)

Also, it is clear I am not benefiting from the stock category you sometimes highlight as "winners" or "1000% gainers" to help propel my portfolio gains. Should I be trying to buy all the investment in your total portfolio or how does one use 5i service to benefit to the max?

Read Answer Asked by David on March 23, 2017
Q: Hi. Since joining your service I have slowly sold my mutual funds and built up the portfolio listed. I have an equal percentage of these listed except M at 16% AVO at 1.6% and SGY at .6 %. I have a mutual fund left at 6% that I would like to sell. For a balanced portfolio today what would you recommend I purchase? 3 - 5 year timeframe. Please deduct appropriate credits for the long question. Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by John on March 15, 2017
Q: Hello Peter and 5i team,
We were surprised to learn that TIO networks is being bought by pay pal. At an 86% gain we are very happy. Thank you for the recommendation. At the end of the month we will sell our holdings. It is in my wife's TFSA. Her current holdings are ET, KXS,GUD,LNR,SJ, and SYZ. This is our growth account as we have appropriate holdings of large caps and fixed income in our other accounts. In your opinion what would be a good addition to our current holdings or would you recommend adding to any of our current holdings?
thank you for the great service
Read Answer Asked by john on February 21, 2017