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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hi all at 5i, I have about 45k invested with only 5k in cash. I own all of the above names and was wondering if you were to free up some cash which of these stocks would you trim. If you think 5k in cash is enough, do you think any of these names would be good to trade for another name? Do you have any concerns over any of these names at this moment in time.

Feel free to deduct as many points as necessary.

Read Answer Asked by Daniel on August 09, 2018
Q: Hello, I have the following balanced portfolio....Can you recommend 3-5 additional names with good growth prospects and a decent current valuation that would help bring some diversification. 3-5 year time horizon.
Read Answer Asked by Jeff on August 07, 2018
Q: I have a well diversified portfolio using a passive index strategy. I have the above stocks in my TFSA to boost the total portfolio return. Thanks to 5i that has worked well. My current TFSA holdings are listed and I am up at least 15% on the first 5 stocks listed and plus / minus 5% on the last 5 stocks listed. I am in my early 70's and feel I don't want to spend as much time on the TFSA investments. Can you give me up to 10 buy and forget growth names for the TFSA and if some of the listed stocks are included in your list then so much the better. Thanks
Read Answer Asked by Richard on July 23, 2018
Q: Hi,
I'm looking for some solid small cap companies in Canada.
Can you please list 10-15 companies and their industry.
Read Answer Asked by Mohammed on July 17, 2018
Q: The sleepy gaint,GUD has awaken from hibernation for summer,& hopefully continues with positives from analysts.On 7/12,Raymond James initialed coverage with a $10.25 TP PHO--Is there any reason for today's hit on above average vol.after grind up the last few days.Txs for u usual great services & views
Read Answer Asked by Peter on July 13, 2018
Q: I am currently light in Healthcare & Materials. Companies that I currently hold are COV, CSH.UN, GUD, CCL.B, MX & WEF. Can you suggest three stocks in each sector that I could add?

Thanks, Dave
Read Answer Asked by Dave on July 06, 2018
Q: The GUD investing thesis is largely based on management including past success with Paladin. Paladin was certainly a well run company and created lots of value for shareholders so credit to management is not misplaced. But, do you think that the ultimate success with Paladin was more a function of incredibly lucky timing to have been taken out during a really crazy pharma cycle? In other words, how much credit goes to management and how much goes to a once in a generation crazy pharma cycle?
Read Answer Asked by Joel on July 06, 2018
Q: What are your recommendations for a 12 (Canadian) stock TFSA from your BE portfolio with a 3-5 yr hold with average to above average risk tolerance? Looking for individual company names.

Thank you
Read Answer Asked by Glen on July 04, 2018
Q: Mr. Hodson, today GUD and CSU concluded the day respectively at $8.02 and $1049.95. Do you consider these prices appropriate for the time being ? Is there any action you would recommend regarding either of these stocks, or is everything fine ?
As GUD reached $10 in the past, do you foresee the stock reaching that value again ?
Recently, you recommended awaiting a few weeks before buying more GUD shares; are you still of the same view in this regard ?
Read Answer Asked by Serge on June 25, 2018
Q: Hi Peter,

The following were initial 4% positions which have gone down quite a bit and wanted to know if I should sell, hold or add:

In my TFSA, GUD (down 19.9%) and PTE (down 47.3%); in my margin account, TV (down 30.4%) and in my RRSP, ECN (down 6.4%).

If I sell then my options to replace would be RHT, GC, TSGI, PBH or GSY. I would appreciate your opinion. I am looking for high growth; risk and sector aren't an issue.

Please deduct as many credits as appropriate. Thanks as always.
Read Answer Asked by K on June 25, 2018
Q: Hello, I am looking to add IHI to the healthcare allocation of my portfolio (10%) but would like to sell one existing holding first. Current healthcare related holdings are JNJ, ABBV, GUD and SIS (although I have SIS filed under Industrials). My question: which of JNJ and ABBV would you advise selling? Thank-you.
Read Answer Asked by Stephen on June 20, 2018