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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hello 5i team,
GUD seems to be a self induced zombie stock. It has not moved for the past 2 years from it's ~$5.40 level. It had an earnings beat in the last quarter but as you mentioned in a past question, the EPS is very low.

Do you know when they will have their next quarterly earnings?

I tend to hold onto stocks when they have access cash for a long time (that is why I held even when you gave the order to sell), but like QTRH, they seemed to have not done much of anything for the shareholder. After holding for ~5 years, I am giving them another quarter to see if there is any movement but will probably drop them if nothing happens.

Read Answer Asked by Andrew on February 01, 2023
Q: Hello Peter,
Greenland Renewables results did not seem to be that bad, but during the rally, the stock either stayed the same or declined. Can you comment please? During market call, the manager indicated BEP does not provide good value and feels taking dividends out of cash flow (instead of net income) does not make sense (unless i misunderstood). Also, i plan to hold AQN for dividend for long term and was wondering if that makes sense given your posted comments. Finally, is knight an example of company where one should not rely on past performance of a CEO? Thanks very much
Read Answer Asked by umedali on November 16, 2022
Q: Further to your response to an inquiry about Knight Therapeutic results, could you comment in any detail on management performance. They have been in charge for at least five years, the cash position is down from $800M to $145M {after buying GBT and company shares, etc.) and the stock price is down half from the $10 plus when Goodman brought them in and then disappeared.
I know he had an accident, but I saw him on BNN a couple of years ago and he looked fine, just made too much money on Paladin.
There just doesn't seem to be any drive to improve the company and increase shareholder value. Management seems unmotivated. Should Goodman replace them or sell the company to someone who can realize it's potential before I turn 100?
Thank youl.
Read Answer Asked by Steven on November 14, 2022
Q: Hello Peter,
i am starting to realize, buying stocks based on previous success does not always work out as in Knights and Topicus case. However, i was wondering with current environment, is it a good idea to initiate a position in Knight with hope of good returns in future as i see little downside.. Please let me know . i am thinking of selling TOI, for Gud. Thanks
Read Answer Asked by umedali on September 13, 2022
Q: Ignoring company size and sector diversification, can you please rank these stocks on a best to worst risk / reward basis for long term hold. I own them all in various accounts with a half position or less so my plan would be to let some go and increase position in others with better potential. Any of them you consider good buy at the moment? Thank you!
Read Answer Asked by Pierre on August 12, 2022