Q: Please comment on today's results. They seemed very good but the market does not agree as the stock has sold off sharply. Thanks
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Investment Q&A
Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.
Q: would appreciate your current thoughts on ARZ. Company online presentation reads well. Thanks
Q: After the recent earnings. Do you think the company has finally startered turning things around?
Q: Can you explain the recent run up in price?
Q: Can you plz comment on recent earnings and outlook of the company? Thanks.
Q: Thoughts on recent earnings? Is this a lost cause?
Q: Peter: ARZ has gone through a significant drop over the last few months. On the RBC website Morningstar has it as "undervalued". What is your view for the future of this stock?
Have a great day... Joe Zadel
Have a great day... Joe Zadel
Q: The CEO just made a large purchase of shares. Do you think this is a vote of confidence in the company?
Q: Can you please comment on recent earnings? Is it time to get out of the stock?
Q: I sold some of my TNC at a profit and bought some ARZ and some ITC. What do you think of these three companies and which ones will have the most potential going forward?
Aralez Pharmaceuticals Inc. (ARZ)
Premium Brands Holdings Corporation (PBH)
Exchange Income Corporation (EIF)
Q: I am thinking of selling ARZ and looking at PBH or EIF. Disregarding sectors, could I please have your opinion and what would favour or keep ARZ. Thanks
Q: Could you please comment on ARZ's drug right's acquisition this morning. Thanks
Q: Can you please comment on ARZ after today's fda approval for Yasprala?
Q: Could I have your view on ARZ going forward. They are awaiting to get their drug yosprala approved. Also could you tell me their cash poition and inside ownership. Thanks
Q: I bought this as Tribute awhile back as a small growing pharma. Since merger with Pozen it has only gone down. Is this valeant effect or too much debt?