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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: RPI and LWRK are both long-term holds for me, and have done well - particularly RPI (+500%) in spite of the recent slide. However, these were bought in part for their dividends, which have decreased on a percentage basis with the stock price gains. Both have also been rather weak lately, and I can easily get significantly higher dividends with other stocks. I am looking at selling one this year, and the other next year.

Could you comment on which has the least likelihood of a rebound, and should go first.

A further issue is that both are in a taxable account, and the sale of either will result in the complete clawback of OAS due to the capital gains. I have no offsetting loses at the moment. Any suggestions on how to handle this?

Read Answer Asked by grant on November 23, 2021
Q: What is the reason for CCL's anaemic performance over the last 4-5 years? What is your outlook on the company? How would you you view a switch to RPI or IFX in today's market environment?
Read Answer Asked by Yvonne on October 07, 2021
Q: I am more than happy with the long term performance of this company . However the last two quarterly reports issued by the company have been somewhat pessimistic regarding growth prospects as the economy recovers from the covid pandemic . Cash flow is good , and the company will be buying back shares . I wonder if the are now an acquisition target for a larger competitor . What are your thoughts -- are they a buy , sell or hold?
Read Answer Asked by Thomas A.J. on March 09, 2021
Q: Hi Peter &5i team,
If Amazon is building warehouses in Canada, will any Canadian companies benefit? In your opinion, is this a good opportunity to invest in companies such as Richards packaging,CCL,the pulp and paper industry,or other e commerce firms.
Thanks for your thoughts
Read Answer Asked by john on September 18, 2020