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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hi,while WIN has not worked out,I still have it and waiting for a rebound because of their cash position and possible sale? I do have a problem selling out of a loosing position.
Here's my problem,I sold Drt at $5.05 the low,but it is now $5.70 bought at $5.40.
So now I still have BOS bought at $17 and think if sold I will be selling at low again?
Would it be best to sell both or hold? If I sell what would be two or three good replacements,sector should be no problem.
Read Answer Asked by Brad on November 21, 2016
Q: Let's start with the past! Going nowhere for several years except for numerous lawsuits, litigation, high settlement costs & legal fees - BUT, the worm turns and, I believe, there maybe light at the end of the tunnel! At least, that's my current position since I still own a chunk at close to 6 dollars! While I completely agree with your cutting the cord about 2 years ago, I would appreciate a revisit & up to date opinion.
Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Robert on June 10, 2016
Q: Hi 5i - I have enjoyed the run up on WIN (now only down 6%) - I was considering taking the small loss and investing the cash in KXS (since its pulled back) - would you endorse the switch? I understand that KXS is still a risky investment, but sounds like a much better company overall? Thanks, Neil
Read Answer Asked by Neil on May 03, 2016