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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: HI,
sorry for the long list. could you just rate these as a buy, sell, or hold right now. I am a long term investor.
Read Answer Asked by chris on January 04, 2023
Q: Hi 5i,
I’m working through an audit of my technology positions for year end. Would you rate each position as a buy, sell or hold for your own portfolio today?

Thank you!
Read Answer Asked by Greg on December 22, 2022
Q: Dear 5i,
ENGH and OTEX look pretty beat up.
I am considering purchasing a 1 to 2% TFSA position in one or both.
Do you think these are bargain prices? Do you have a preference
if one should purchase today? Can you please provide your reasons
for your preference. I expect to hold for at least 3 years but ideally
forever. thanks
Read Answer Asked by Ian on December 13, 2022
Q: I am planning to sell these stocks for tax loss purposes. Can you suggest a proxy for each? I was thinking FTS for AQN, and possibly not buy it back, and perhaps not buying back OTEX either. Others planning to buy back after the 30 days. Your thoughts on whether or not buying back OTEX and AQN a good idea also appreciated.

Read Answer Asked by Everett on December 12, 2022
Q: I hold small positions in these stocks and held these stocks for some time. All held in TFSA. Wondering should I sell some and increase my positions in just one or two. Such as CSU and or OTEX. or just continue holding all of them. Your thoughts.
Read Answer Asked by David on November 24, 2022
Q: Hi Peter and Staff

For new money with desire for 3 small positions amongst the above companies please pick your 3 picks for long term holds based on current entry price and future prospects.
Thanks for all you do
Read Answer Asked by Dennis on November 22, 2022
Q: I’ve trimmed some winners and stocks that have run up in the reverb rally and I’ve had some good energy names. Can you suggest any laggards that might come up on your screens? They could be growth , cyclical or value, etc but just some names that have upside but might play catch up.
Read Answer Asked by Bruce on November 15, 2022
Q: These four stocks that I have an equal weighting in came to my attention because of the insider buying. Could you please comment on if this insider buying and overall ownership is significant and rank them from best to worst based on that information only. Then please rank them on which would have the best overall return based on dividends and capital gains for the next 3 years from best to worst and explain why (the pros) for the one you ranked first overall and why(the cons) why you ranked the fourth stock last.

And lastly is there any of the four you just wouldn’t buy today. Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by James on September 14, 2022
Q: These are my tax loss candidates. Please list the best ones to sell first and which ones would be the best buy back stocks.
Thanks as always
Read Answer Asked by ALBERT on September 13, 2022
Q: Hi 5i,

I have maybe a rare question for you. I have done quite well with my stock selections (much thanks to you for many of the wise choices) and are sitting on a pool of Capitol Gains. Now, my wife and I are entering the phase of our life where we can make some significant "tax-friendly" charitable donations. Always keeping in mind, saving enough for the rest of our days. Our question is: If you had to sell from the list I provided, and thinking of holding the remainder at least another 10 years, which would you chose to sell a portion of ? Perhaps the top 3, in order of choice ? Thanks so much.
Read Answer Asked by Jim on September 02, 2022
Q: Hi guys
Thanks for your initial comments on the Open Text aquisition. I have been a holder of Open Text for quite a while and this new acquisition seems a little out of the ordinary for them. Out of their seDy as she goes approach. Can you comment on their success in turning around companies with declining revenues in the past. As well on the quality of management. I know Constellation would be at the top of your list in terms of skill of management; where does Open Text's management fall?

Much thanks

Read Answer Asked by Stuart on August 29, 2022
Q: I have a quarter position in OTEX in a TFSA. I'm interested in Companies that pay Dividends and I find it challenging to find Tech Co's which fit that category, so I'm not sure whether to keep it, buy more or sell it. You had taken it out of your balanced portfolio, so wondering how you consider it. Does it still have some growth potential, so worth the lower Dividend? (I prefer Co's that have a 3-4% Div). I already have 1/2 positions in SYZ and CSCO. If you think it should be replaced, what other Dividend Tech Co's do you like? Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Pat on August 22, 2022