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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hi, the listed shares currently make up my portfolio in relatively equal portions. I was wondering--with the $6000 TFSA amount, do any of these names stick out to top up with the full $6k or partial amounts? Alternatively I have been following Savaria SIS and considering initiating a new position? Thanks so much for your guidance.
Read Answer Asked by Simon on January 03, 2019
Q: Hi, I currently own Et ,Otex ,Pho, Shop, SYZ, and i’am thinking of selling two or three and buying Csu.
I will be doing this for a more stable and overall better portfolio if or when we get a further market downturn.
Is my strategy sound? And which two or three would you sell? I would also be open to sell four and keep two of the best if this works.
Read Answer Asked by Brad on December 13, 2018
Q: I would like to buy NFI, but have to sell something else to do it. After looking at all of my holdings, I think it should be CSU, or OTEX. I have other tech holdings, but want to hold on to those. I am about about even with the two tech stocks so there is no tax gain/loss. I realize it is changing sectors, but I like the dividend. Do you think there would be more growth in the future by replacing one of the above tech stocks with NFI? Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Kim on December 12, 2018
Q: Hi Peter and Team,

The Info Tech component of equities in all our accounts is 16.2%. The following stocks and ETFs are held, followed by their weightings:

CSU 7.1%
ENGH 1.4%
KXS 2.2%
OTEX 2.3%
SYZ 1.0 %
TXF 1.9%
XIT 0.3% (used to put small amounts of cash since there's no commission with iTrade)

Would it be prudent to trim CSU, and if so, to what level?
What is your opinion of the other holdings, and are their weightings appropriate?
Are the Info Tech holdings too high a percentage of the overall portfolio?

Thanks in advance for your valuable guidance. Please deduct as many credits as you deem necessary.
Read Answer Asked by Jerry on December 12, 2018
Q: Thinking of selling a portion of holdings the above to buy XQQ.
Some are in my cash accounts and the in my RRSP.
The tax loss and gain is zero in my cash accounts.
Gain a bit of D/E and get US exposure.

Thank you


Read Answer Asked by Mike on December 11, 2018
Q: I own GIB and have for several years. I'm thinking of selling some or all my position in GIB and purchasing OPTEX.
My reasoning is that although GIB may not be fully valued, its had a good run, OPTEX on the other hand may have more upside longer term.
Appreciate your feedback
Read Answer Asked by Larry on November 06, 2018
Q: I asked this question yesterday, however it appears it was missed:
"I have some cash to allocate for RRSP & TFSA portfolios and would like your opinion for the above list for both CDA and US.
For RRSP: Which two from each CAD and US would you buy today (after the stormy few days) for a more conservative hold 3-5 years, that would potentially have less volatility while continuing to grow sales and earnings.

For TFSA: Which two from each CAD and US would you buy today for more growth opportunity and share appreciation in the next 3-5 years.
Please give your reasons for the ones you would choose without sector allocation considerations.
I currently hold TSGI & MX (down on both) but am ok with that."

Read Answer Asked by Joseph on October 29, 2018
Q: These tech stocks have been under pressure recently. Is a rotation out of the Tech sector underway. Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Gerry on October 03, 2018
Q: just wondering where the best place would be to put student loans with no interest owing for at least 4 years would be, out of the companies above? any other suggestions would be appreciated as well
Read Answer Asked by matthew on October 02, 2018
Q: Hi 5i team:
I am looking to add to my position in the tech sector and would like to ask you to rank the following stocks: ENGH, CSU, OTEX, GIB.A. I already own SHOP, KXS, DSG. Is it a good time to add to my portfolio? Are the opportunities better in the U. S.? Thanks,
Read Answer Asked by Pierre on September 26, 2018
Q: I need to raise a bit of cash, and would like to take it from the Tech Sector which is a 23% weighting in my portfolio. I have 9 tech stocks in total. The top 4 largest holdings (approx 15% each of my tech holdings but none of them exceed 5% of my total portfolio) are KXS, OTEX, SHOP , SYZ.
Any thoughts on which one(s?) would, at this time, be best to trim ?
As always, thanks for being there !
Read Answer Asked by Alexandra on September 21, 2018
Q: I'm looking to add 6 Canadian stocks to my registered accounts; stocks (and if appropriate ETFs) that display good growth potential and have a bit of a dividend. I'd appreciate your suggestions, in order of preference please. Thanks as always.
Read Answer Asked by Thomas on August 27, 2018
Q: Hello 5i, Thanks very much for all you do for your members. I look at your organization as the "Robin Hood" of the Canadian financial industry. My question today is: I sold my ECI this last week and decided to capture the gain and redistribute to one new position with the proceeds. I'm looking for another dividend aristocrat (as identified by the S&P index or one that could be as CIX will be getting the boot) I'm closing in on retirement but still like to stay in the growing type names. Not terribly worried about maximizing my income at this point. Which of my choices do you think has the most upside over the next 5 years.
Read Answer Asked by Keith on August 10, 2018
Q: Hi all at 5i, I have about 45k invested with only 5k in cash. I own all of the above names and was wondering if you were to free up some cash which of these stocks would you trim. If you think 5k in cash is enough, do you think any of these names would be good to trade for another name? Do you have any concerns over any of these names at this moment in time.

Feel free to deduct as many points as necessary.

Read Answer Asked by Daniel on August 09, 2018