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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Recognizing the substantial market cap differences between the much larger csu and gib.a, vs the smaller otex and dsg , in what order would you rank the four in terms of the usual metrics used for tech growth companies . I currently hold gib.a and otex and am looking to either add to existing positions or add something new. If you have another growth company in this space , pleased to hear it and why.
Read Answer Asked by Colleen on November 05, 2019
Q: OTEX dropped $2.07 today to $51.60 on huge vol of 1.1m(av 604k)of which 877k is sell transactions.After market close,it denies rumoured acquisition of Micro Focus.Ever since reaching a $58.65 H in July,it declined & trade in a range of some $55- $50.It reports on Oct 31.Any news on the drop.What are the expectations of Rev & Eps for coming Q.Is this a good time tostart a position? Thanks for u usual great services & views
Read Answer Asked by Peter on October 21, 2019
Q: With the world feeling a little uneasy about a pending recession, I want to keep only holdings that will weather a downturn. I'm not trying to time the market, and want to hold stocks, that while they may dip, have good balance sheets, good management, and will likely see a recovery. Others I will sell and hold the cash. Above are my current holdings. Do you see any that may be susceptible to excessive weakness in a recession and would therefore meet my sell criterion? Thanks,
Read Answer Asked by Kim on August 27, 2019
Q: OTEX reported a 0.1% constant currency organic growth rate for F19 implying revenues were basically flat because of a slowdown in Q4 license sales ex-acquisitions. Slowdowns in license sales should impact customer support revenues which is an important recurring source. Is this strictly a grow-by-acquisition game that can produce too many negative surprises and nasty stock corrections to bother with? If so, which TSX tech stocks would be a higher quality choice? Appreciate your service!
Read Answer Asked by Michael on August 09, 2019
Q: Open Text has apparently entered into recent deals with Google and Mastercard. Are these probably already baked into the price or would you still anticipate good growth?
Regarding FSZ can you clarify the scary PE? Why is it still considered a safe income stock? Many thanks.

Read Answer Asked by Harvey on July 12, 2019
Q: Hi,
I need to increase my Technology Sector. I started with full positions in CSU, which has doubled, and KXS (which is flat), and a half position in Open Text.

What would you do hear to increase my sector holding by 50%?

Read Answer Asked by Robert on July 03, 2019
Q: Have the above stocks in a TFSA. Would like to add 3 stock to the collections. Suggestions or should I just add to the exiting stocks. Long term hold 5 years plus. Thanks
Read Answer Asked by David on June 13, 2019
Q: hello 5i:
On your advice, I purchased OTEX back in 2015, and have done very well with it. thank you. I feel, however, that its overvalued at the moment and don't want to see the gains disappear. I'm thinking of selling OTEX and buying PANW. Could you comment and elaborate a bit on this potential move? I'll be staying in the Tech sector, so any other options you have would be of interest.. I'd like a US company, if possible (already own CSU and a small amount of PHO).
Paul L
Read Answer Asked by Paul on June 11, 2019