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Investment Q&A

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Q: Peter and His Wonder Team
I know you are value investors who look for companies who appear to have positive momentum. So BB is not exactly your forte. So I have an impossible question for you. All factors considered ...taking risk and there patients into what price do you think BB is worth right now. I realize the market is loosing patience and it has fallen in the past several months. So it is a $10.00 stock...a $8.50 stock...a $7.00 stock...I know impossible to say...but please just give your best guess!
Thanks a ton!
Dr.Ernest Rivait
Read Answer Asked by Ernest on August 21, 2017
Q: I have never owned RIM or Blackberry. For years it has had ugly price movements and negative news. Today I quickly read a document from Citron Research which is surprisingly positive. I really like the idea of buying a stock that the "Wall-street shorts" like, since they've proven to be quite effective. It talks about its non-blackberry products and divisions and speculates that they are well-positioned to sell to the auto-industry. It mentions their acquisition of QNX, a microchip and operating systems company located in Ottawa last I checked. Can you read their article and tell us what you think of it?
Read Answer Asked by Matt on June 03, 2017
Q: Following-up on a question about Blackberry debentures: if my broker matches my bid with an in-house ask, does the TSX find out about the trade? I'm wondering because, according to, the debentures haven't changed hands since Jan 25, nor do quotes show any ask. If they're this tightly-held, then there doesn't seem to be much point adding to the bid unless there's unreported in-house trading going on.

Of course, I could set my bid farther above par, but with the debs at 3.75% and the share price stagnant for the past three years, it seems as likely that I'd lose money. I understand that some debt is, essentially, privately-held; fine - I'm just trying to understand what's possible.
Read Answer Asked by John on March 22, 2017
Q: Is BB stock on the cusp of a price turnaround? BB software is currently used in over 60 million vehicles including all the big name manufacturers. BB recently inked a software contract with Ford. In addition, according to some analysts “BBRY can be the intelligent infrastructure system provider for the new collar industry" -- next-gen jobs that are a hybrid of blue collar and white collar -- "which we think could be 10% of [a] $200 billion infrastructure spend, or $20 billion,” It seems to me BB has the talent to continue to develop the new age software but can they execute?
What does 5iR think?
As always thanks team. Chris
Read Answer Asked by Chris on March 16, 2017
Q: Peter and His Wonder Team
Jim Mackey Ex.V.P. at Blackberry quietly left the company in Feb. after 3.5 years on the job. What should we make of this? Is this a serious blow to the company or is Mr.Chen capable of attracting an equally talented person. I realize there could be numerous reasons... including his pessimism going forward. On the other hand he may be just burned out after working hard and doing a good job and wants a change. Have you heard anything. In other words should an investor be overly concerned and run for the exit...which is what some did today?
Thanks for your always valuable knowledge!
Dr.Ernest Rivait
Read Answer Asked by Ernest on March 07, 2017
Q: I would like to increase my stock weight in technologies. I only currently have a 1,5% in BB and 2,5% in PHO. I have a 5% cash position in my TFSA to invest with a long-term growth (10years+) horizon. What tech company would you recommend for a new position?
Thank you,
Read Answer Asked by Julien on February 28, 2017
Q: I was looking to take a position in BB, but I noticed that they have a convertible debenture paying 3.5% and convertible until 2020 at a price of $ 10, I think that this might be a better way to play it, what do you think?.I notice that there is nothing on the ask side, why is that, is it that thinly traded.
Read Answer Asked by auftar on January 16, 2017
Q: Peter and His Wonder Team
Here is an impossible question for you because I know your opinion on these individual stocks is negative at best. If you had your feet to the fire and had to chose one for the long term...what would it be and why?
Thanks for your excellent insights and attentive service...
Dr.Ernest Rivait
Read Answer Asked by Ernest on October 25, 2016