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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hi there. Can you comment what the impact of GOOG, MFST and AMZN and their creation of their own Quantum chips is on companies like RGTI and IONQ? Are RGTI and IONQ trying to do the same things as the bigger companies but from a weaker position or are they complimentary or poised to benefit from innovations of these larger companies? Obviously RGTI trying to beat GOOG at R&D if they are racing the same race seems like a long shot.
Read Answer Asked by Tim on March 03, 2025
Q: I have read the question history on Quantum related companies and have noted that these 4 seem to be most well known.

Are there any publicly traded, earlier stage (not yet pumped) companies that are worth monitoring for future potential? Not companies you buy today but companies with interesting concepts/potential in this field that could be "next".
Read Answer Asked by Tim on January 16, 2025