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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: These companies caught my eye recently due to their broad exposure to infrastructure, energy and engineering. The 1 yr chart for MTZ is pretty good as well. However, some of MTZ's fundamentals I look for seem inconsistent (equity, EPS, free cash flow and operating income). I'm not sure what to make of this one, and see others (eg:PWR, J) in the energy infrastructure/engineering as also looking promising.

I'm not beholden to either of these (and please propose others), but now that I know such companies exist, can you recommend a few options for a "catch all" for exposure to electrical demands (AI, data centers) and upgrades (utility), other energy infrastructure (solar, hyrdo, transmission etc) and even communications (cell towers, etc). Perhaps a wide range here, but curious what comes back from 5i!

I'm particularly interested in your comments on management effectiveness
Read Answer Asked by Cameron on January 16, 2025