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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Just looking for an opinion,

In what scenario does this ever get back to it's glory days before the oil fallout years ago? I have owned this for sometime in a TFSA and wondering if I should just keep holding due to not being able to harvest tax loss or take the loss and move the proceeds into something else in a different industry where over time I could recoup the loss.
Read Answer Asked by Kolbi on July 22, 2021
Q: I own GXE, ATH, BTE and SGY. . With outlook for Oil going higher $ 80.00 plus which is the best play of the four. Please rank. Should I buy more of your number one pick. I watch Erik Nutall on BNN . He is very optimistic on Oil Price going higher RAK
Read Answer Asked by bob on July 02, 2021
Q: Do you think Surge Energy's latest acquisition, improved credit situation and increased production is positive for the share price? How many shares does Paul Colborne the President, own? He bought a ton at higher prices but hasn't lately at a lower valuation.
Finally, how much of a headwind are their hedges? I thought this stock would rocket at today's oil prices while acknowledging it's rise from 15 cents?
Read Answer Asked by Steven on June 24, 2021
Q: Thank you for your reply regarding my question on what to watch for in terms of a return to paying dividends by these two companies. There does not appear be a "Cash Flow" or "Free Cash Flow" item among the Key Data status provided for these companies. I do see a Price to Cash Flow and Price to Free Cash Flow but I'm not sure how to interpret these data points in terms of continued paying a dividend or, in the case these companies, a return to paying dividends. If Cash Flow is a key to payment of dividends is there any chance Cash Flow can be added to the data to all those dividend paying companies listed?
Read Answer Asked by Phil on June 18, 2021
Q: These 2 companies paid a dividend prior to the Covid Collapse. In the case of American Hotel there is some indication of a possible return to dividend payments by Dec 2021 but it's not clear if Surge Energy will return to paying a dividend. Do you think these companies will return to paying dividends again, and if so, what should I be watching for to give me an idea of how long it will take to return to paying dividends.

Looking forward to your need website.
Read Answer Asked by Phil on June 17, 2021
Q: Assuming $80.00 +- oil which of the above might do best. please add any stock you think would fit the theme.
Read Answer Asked by JOSEPH on February 25, 2021
Q: Hi 5i
Its my understanding that Cannacord Research has come out with a report ranking using $55 WTI and SGY is the #1 FCF company of 'all public oil and gas companies in Canada for 2021'. It seems like the right time to be acquiring this Surge. Also, do you conside them to be a takeout target and who might be interested? Thanks
Read Answer Asked by Gordon on February 17, 2021
Q: amusing oil and N/g priced stay in the current range ( +- 5%) Which of the above have most upside in share price (most first) could you comment on each briefly.
Read Answer Asked by JOSEPH on February 12, 2021