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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: I would like to increase my exposure to the energy sector. Which one or two above mentioned energy companies do you recommend. Can you please rank them. If you have any other recommendations please mention.
Read Answer Asked by Jacob on December 23, 2016
Q: I've held SGY for a number of years and, as is the case for a lot of oil producers, it was a decent stock until the 2014 collapse in oil prices. It has come back a bit recently but I have a cost base of $6.31. Should I continue to wait patiently for a further recovery in oil prices (perhaps years away) or take the loss and put the proceeds into something else (what?)?
Read Answer Asked by Chris on December 21, 2016
Q: Hi Peter and Staff
I was another investor who had too much weighting in oil- aside from a few that went out of business , I have held the rest until now and still have more $ in oil than I now want as a percentage weighting - not wanting to miss any rally entirely but also not believer in $75 oil coming I am going to shave some monthly until I get to my new weighting / if you were going to sell some of one of the four stocks listed which would you pick and why
Thanks for all you do
Read Answer Asked by Dennis on December 01, 2016
Q: In light of the big pipeline announcements today by the liberals could you please group the above stocks as to the winners and losers. e.g Big winner, Winner, No Effect, Loser and Big Loser. This is very topical and stave of some questions and be worthy of an article. I look for to your answers and advise as always.
Read Answer Asked by Mike on November 30, 2016
Q: 5i I need help in Rebalancing my RRIF. Maybe I am too attached to my stocks. I asked about BIP and BEP and you indicated my energy sector at 22% of my RRIF was high and I agree. I need less volatility but do require income. Of the 22% CPG-T =10%, FRU-T =30%, PPL=35%,SGY=8%, VSN=12% and WCP=5%.I like everyone, require your wisdom.

Read Answer Asked by Wayne on October 04, 2016
Q: Of my two oil companies, WCP and SGY, I am even on WCP and down 35% on SGY, which is less than 2% of my portfolio. I'd like to add to my oil holdings while it appears to be trading at the lower end of a range. My gut wants to average down on Surge, but me brain says to add another holding, I'd appreciate an opinion and other option if deemed appropriate?
Read Answer Asked by Charles on August 25, 2016
Q: Paul Colbourne continues to purchase stock in the open market. Another 65000 last week. My question is can the CEO still be buying his own company shares if he feels the company will be taken over or is PC buying because he feels the stock is cheap. His previous history speaks seems like he knows what he is doing.
Read Answer Asked by blake on August 23, 2016
Q: My energy holdings are comprised of two names, SGY (fallen from half to quarter position) and BP (Plc) (maintaining its half position). SGY should survive but hasn't really participated in any meaningful upswing. Is there any fundamental reason for its lacklustre performance compared to peers in this sector? Would it be worth maintaining this position (I've held on throughout all dividend cuts) or abandoning it for some other company in this sector?

Read Answer Asked by mike on August 08, 2016
Q: I have owned both companies for a couple of years and am down about 50% on SGY and 80% BTE. Combined, they are less than 5% of my portfolio. My question is whether I should just ride these out and wait (hope) for higher oil prices with these names or is it wiser to sell and replace them with a "better" name. I am thinking of VET, partially because of the dividend. I can't decide if the better strategy is to stay with my current holdings as I think they could provide more potential growth or if the risk is too high for their continued existence and a switch to a more stable company is warranted. I would like to keep whatever money this represents in energy.

Appreciate your insight.

Paul F.
Read Answer Asked by Paul on July 15, 2016
Q: Hi Peter and Team - In a question today which asked you to decide on which oil and gas stocks you would keep out of a list of several, I noticed that Surge was not on the list of keepers. Is this just because the others were better or do you have concerns about Surge at this point. From previous answers it sounds like Surge is on the right track to recover with higher oil prices. Does this remain the case. Also could you give me an update on insider ownership and your opinion of management. Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Rob on June 07, 2016
Q: I currently have 6 oil and gas stocks in a well diversified portfolio (PEY,RE,SU,SGY,TOU,WCP) and would like to high grade the list to 3-4 names by either selling some or all of them and replacing them with other names if necessary. What would you suggest? Thanks and keep up the excellent work.
Read Answer Asked by Sandy on June 07, 2016
Q: Hi team, I love the new site. The ability to save to watchlist is fantastic! In my RRSP, I hold GUD, IT, PLI, WCP, SPE (.5 position) and SGY. These are part of a multi-account balanced portfolio, so my question is not so much to do with sector, but with SGY and PLI. I am down 50% on SGY and wondering if these funds are better deployed elsewhere. I am up 100% on PLI and can sell half for another position. My RRSP is a very long-term hold account. I keep an eye on things, but don't usually make any moves except to trim gains. As you can see from my list, I can handle some risk if I was to replace SGY and sell half of PLI. Am I better off to continue to stomach the 50% loss on SGY or move into something else with better growth potential? If so, what would you suggest for 2 long term growth positions? I have been watching OTC, BCE, SPB (I bought CUS on your suggestion), FSZ.
Read Answer Asked by Kim on April 18, 2016
Q: I own SGY and is currently down 50% (ouch, yes!). The PR of yesterday to me is a mix signal. You cut dividends and sell assets and yet you maintain the capital spending level without reductions? Why sell asset on one hand and add more assets on the other hand (through capital spending)? Any reason that I should hold on or should I just throw in the towel (and take my tax losses)?

Your insight is much appreciated.
Read Answer Asked by Victor on April 08, 2016