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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Gentlemen:
This is a two part question. I have been holding a large number of B2 gold shares for 12 years, and it has been a disgrace. In your opinion is there any light at the end of the tunnel? Second Part--- Of the above companies( In an OCT 31 question from Maurice, you thought AGI and LUG had the best growth potential ), would that still be your opinion. Please rank them for growth at this date-BEST FIRST. Also please rank them for RISK- LEAST to most. THANKS, BEN.

Read Answer Asked by BEN on November 28, 2024
Q: Please rank these royalty companies in order of preference disregarding the market cap. Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Marco on April 03, 2024
Q: Could you tell from which metals (gold, silver, copper, others) these royalties’stocks or ETF are getting their revenues/profits. And in what proportion? If possible, from which countries?
I own OR (gold), SSL (gold only?). Also these stocks: MAG (silver only?), FVI (silver&gold?).
I hope the question is not too complicated. Thanks a lot.
Read Answer Asked by Denise on November 16, 2023
Q: If I were to move into Precious Metals, would you prefer a royalty, ETF, or individual stocks ? Thanks!
Read Answer Asked by george on May 17, 2023
Q: I'm loaded up on AEM and am looking at adding to other positions. I've got BTO, GCM, OR and MMX and thinking to add to BTO or GCM as I like the P/E's and yield.

How do you rate these? Are there any others to consider?

*I may have accidentally submitted this question before finishing writing it?

Read Answer Asked by Robert on March 07, 2022
Q: Good morning,
Thanks for your great service.
Today my question revolves around AU (gold) royalties and return of inflation - once the economy opens up & we start spending «en masse» our accumulated savings -.
I have read that royalties might be better than AU companies as they do not have the same cap ex as AU companies and they employ less human resources. I am assuming that they also have less debt on the balance sheet .
Whether you prefer AU royalties vs AU etf or specific AU companies o even PHYS ?
Which royalty would you prefer ?
Would a precious metal royalty be a judicious addition to a portfolio ? Such as MMX, ALS, LIF ?
I am well diversified and have a substantial portfolio.
Deduct as many points as you see fit.
Best Regards,
Read Answer Asked by Elaine on February 12, 2021
Q: Two questions:
1) I don't have much understanding of how royalties companies in general, and OR specifically, earn their revenue. Can you provide a simple explanation please.
2) Is OR a reasonable (diversified?) choice for the only gold (or "metals") exposure in a Cdn dividend-focused portfolio? I'm reluctant to buy a mining company directly. Is there an alternative ETF with equivalent distributions?
Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Lotar on January 29, 2021
Q: For George on April 1st you ranked a list of Royalty Streaming companies. What is your current view of that ranking, do any stand out and what is your reasoning for the top 3.
Thanks, Hugh
Read Answer Asked by Hugh on August 04, 2020
Q: What is the best option to buy gold as a hedge in the event of weakening USD?
Read Answer Asked by Raj on April 22, 2020