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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: If you were looking for best overall return, how would you rank the following equities for the next two years: BEI.UN, DIV, DRX, GIB.A, HME, HMM.A, NVA. What would you suggest purchasing each at? How would you rank them for risk?
Read Answer Asked by David on June 24, 2024
Q: what are the current annual percentages of dividend, debt and free cash flow yield for each of these companies. use as many question credits as needed
Read Answer Asked by hal on September 06, 2022
Q: Hi 5i,

Following Eric Nuttall's appearance on Market Call on March 4th this year, I invested roughly equal amounts in the above six oil and gas companies on March 7th. (Coincidentally, another 5i member posted questions about the exact same six companies that day.). As of yesterday's close, the results have been a mixed bag, ranging from TOU up 52% to TVE down 25%. Overall, though, up about 6% (not counting dividends).

My investing style is generally to buy and hold quality companies for the long-term, while this oil and gas play was intended to be a bit more of speculative. What is your current opinion of these six companies? Would it be wise to sell any now?
Read Answer Asked by William on August 31, 2022
Q: What would be your order of preference between Baytex, Headwater, Tamarack, Nuvista, and Cardinal and why?
Read Answer Asked by Robert on August 15, 2022
Q: Please rate these energy companies in order of your best choice for growth in the next 2 years.
Read Answer Asked by Terry on June 30, 2022
Q: Can I please get your outlook on the energy sector, and the holdings above- how would you rank them for a 1 year hold, would the ranking change for a 5 year hold?
There is the view that energy will come back to represent a larger % of the index again.
Read Answer Asked by Kyle on June 09, 2022
Q: I'm looking for some Canadian companies that can benefit from the current oil shortage in the world. My research has turned up CJ, ERF, MEG, and NVA. Would you please rank them best to worst in terms of potental upside. As you can see, I'm looking for good growth going forward. If you can think of other possiblilties I would appreciate your choices. Also, do you see any major flaws with the companies I've indicated I would appreciate your opinions.
Read Answer Asked by Les on March 07, 2022
Q: I hold ERF, NVA, ARX, TVE, GXE, and VET in the "play money" part of my portfolio and I'm certainly benefiting from and enjoying the large increases but I know all good things must end and sometimes quite abruptly.

Are there a couple of key indicators I should be particularly watching for that it's time to get out of all of these quickly before I give up all my easy gains?

Thank you,


Read Answer Asked by John on March 03, 2022
Q: Interested to purchase mid-cap oil companies. I have narrowed down to the following: NVA, HWX, CJ, KEL and TVE. Please provide opinions and/or rankings for the five oil stocks.
Read Answer Asked by Ernie on January 09, 2022
Q: Could you please recommend your top picks for the energy sector- top 2-3 large cap exposure and top 2-3 smaller cap.
Also what is your view overall for the 3-5 year outlook of the sector in general
Thank you!
Read Answer Asked by Kyle on November 25, 2021
Q: I have what I call a mini portfolio of higher risk stocks in addition to my portfolio of diversified quality portfolio.
I presently hold ATE, AKU, PNG. I want to add 3 oil stocks to this portfolio. Thinking maybe, VET, MEG and NVA. Opinion. Any other likely candidates in the smal/mid cap. Candidates should be less than $5 and a good hedge position to protect them over the next 6 months.
Read Answer Asked by Roy on April 07, 2020
Q: In a relatively prolonged and deep recession,for each grouping of companies,please list in order from least likely to most likely to go bankrupt.

Read Answer Asked by maurice on March 27, 2020