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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hi...just read your March 1 email....very timely. I have been evaluating some of my current equity holdings from the point of view of topping up some or all of them over reach my asset allocation targets. I do a monthly review of all of my holdings using metrics like P/E, P/BV, P/CF, ROE, Beta, Analyst targets, charting vs 200 mda and higher highs-lows. Mid-Feb I raised roughly 5% cash (basically trimming oversized positions that also appeared to be stretched) and could direct it to the above list. I am a retired, dividend income investor.

The 4 BNN Market Call guests on Thursday-Friday indicated that legging in to this buying opportunity should be considered, as, in their opinion, the market is extremely oversold. In your past life as a Fund Manager, what metrics did you use to guide your process on whether to buy or sit on your hands? For example, "when the VIX is high, it is time to buy"...the VIX is now at 40.

If this is a fair question, could you rank the above 9 equities for topping up to existing positions? My process, for example, has identified LNF as one of the priorities.

Take as many credits as you think appropriate. Thanks...Steve
Read Answer Asked by Stephen on March 03, 2020
Q: I am a retired, conservative, dividend-income investor. I just sold CGX and need to replace it with something else in the Consumer sector. I currently own AW, NWC, PBH and love dividends.

Can you please give me 3 replacement options in the Consumer Cyclical space as well as 3 options in the Consumer Staples space? If it is possible to filter a dividend over 3%, that would be ideal...if not 3%, then try for > 2%.

Read Answer Asked by Stephen on December 16, 2019
Q: I have a 5% position in BCE and a 4% position in NWC, which I consider both to be "full", relative to their "blue chip status". I have a little bit of cash available to top up either or both. With the recent weakness in both BCE and NWC, would you add to either at this time? From an asset allocation perspective it doesn't really matter which, although I could use a bit more in the consumer space.

BCE = Now that the election is behind us, does the threat of cell phone fee reductions seem more likely? What does the future look like?

NWC = At last reporting, I understand the airline expansion was possibly holding back results...any new news?

Read Answer Asked by Stephen on October 25, 2019
Q: The above funds are presently held in my TFSA - managed account with 1% fees. Unhappy with the overall performance of this account. Are any of these growth funds? Which would you sell. Please recommend funds for a TFSA? Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Lorraine on June 26, 2019
Q: Hi team,

Just wanted to let Stuart know that people in the North used to order many things on Amazon until the company started charging for deliveries a few years ago. All Amazon shopping stopped after that as the cost of shipping often was more than that of the item itself. I am not an investor in NWC, but I can assure you that they have a stronghold in most of the communities North of the 60. I live in the Arctic!

Hope this helps!
Read Answer Asked by Saeed on May 30, 2019
Q: Hi guys
In regard to Northwest Company I have held it for quite sometime as a steady eady income stock. My feeling were it was fairly safe because of NWC stores remote geography. This provided a fairly large moat around it. I am hearing that people in the north are now also ordering through Amazon and I guess because, like everywhere, this is cheaper. Do you have any thoughts or have come across information/questions during earning conference calls in regard to this manner from NWC? Will Amazon sales eat into NWC profits over time?


Read Answer Asked by Stuart on May 29, 2019
Q: Retired, conservative dividend investor. I consider a "full" position to be around 5%, which is reserved for the likes of "true blue chips" (BCE, BNS, RY, FTS, TRP, etc.) and lower weights for non-blue chip. I hold the following securities, with the following weights:
CGX = 4.4%
NWC = 2.7%
PBH = 4.8%
TCL = 3.3%

Q#1 = Regarding topping up, I am virtually at a full weighting with CGX and PBH. Based on today's Qtr results for CGX, would you top it up?
Q#2 = Given my blue chip comments, would you add more to NWC? I was thinking of moving is to 4%.
Q#3 = Regarding TCL, I am down (surprise!). At $15, it is looking very interesting. Depending on the width of your pencil, it looks like a decent level of support right where it is now...versus catching the proverbial falling knife. Current strategy = wait for Qtr numbers June 6...agree or add a bit?
Three questions...please deduct 3 credits.
Read Answer Asked by Stephen on May 13, 2019
Q: I want to do a home renovation project and need some cash. Could you rank these stocks in order of the ones you would sell first to last in my position. Cineplex, Couche Tard, North West, MTY, Power Financial, Enghouse and Calian. I probably only need three names to raise what I need.
Read Answer Asked by Andrew on May 08, 2019
Q: Hello, I currently hold NWC in my TFSA, it has a good dividend but the stock has been weak lately. What is your view on this stock? Would that make sense to replace it with PBH which is in the same sector? I know that you have these two companies in your model portfolios, but you certainly have a preference for one of them in terms of growth potential. Thanks, Gervais
Read Answer Asked by Gervais on April 24, 2019