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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: I have held Kinaxis for a few (disappointing) years now. This is a logistics/ risk management software company as I understand it.
If what there were a time to succeed in this environment, it would be this- I mean the only thing more timely might be a German weapons maker in terms of sector demand.
Is there reason to believe that KXS has a useful downstream growth story to justify holding?
Read Answer Asked by Peter on March 18, 2025
Q: With the pull-back, I want to take positions in the above at an appropriate weighting for a long term hold - the Canadian holdings and NVDA at full position, the others at 2-3%. Could you mark them at todays levels as buy, partial buy, watch or don't buy, and make any appropriate back-up comments. Thank-you!
Read Answer Asked by Kim on March 07, 2025
Q: Assuming that the reactions to the tariffs ends up being a great buying opportunity, and also that we've probably passed the crystal ball "sell everything" point, WHEN and WHERE (industries, specific favorite stocks) would you look to put new money in please?
Read Answer Asked by Andrew on March 05, 2025
Q: Good morning 5i team,
In today's market, would you add/start to a full position on these four names?
Looking to hold EQB, KSI, KXS and VBNK for 5-10 years.
Thank you for your advice,

Read Answer Asked by Stephan on March 04, 2025
Q: A recent article in the Globe postulated that M & A activity in the Canadian tech sector could increase in 2025. Some of the reasons given were the delayed implementation of the increase in capital gains taxation, the low Canadian dollar and tariffs.

Are there tech companies you would view as potential take-over targets in 2025?

Thanks for the great service!

Read Answer Asked by Ian on March 03, 2025
Q: All three companies reported yesterday. Can you review results for each with special attention to any strengths/weaknesses? Any surprises? Outlook for stock performance going forward? How strong is 5i's conviction in each (rate out of 10).
Read Answer Asked on February 27, 2025
Q: As one of 5i’s early subscribers, I find it a useful thought experiment to give my answer to a question before clicking on the 5i answer. I have found over the years our answers converge and so I rarely send in questions and comments. However my sense is that DeepSeek is a significant change.

On one level it is a clear lesson in the reality that, as Keynes said many decades ago, it’s real resources that matter, not money.

The American approach to AI development was that if you don’t have a $1billion you're not in the game. The Chinese have shown that if you have the pool of talent, amazing things can be done with relatively little money. The prevailing narrative that the Chinese are just copy cats was also blown out of the water. DeepSeek not only upends every assumption underlying the American approach to AI, it shows that the Chinese can out Silicon Silicon Valley and that means that, unlike in the past, China’s most talented minds will want to work for Chinese companies not American ones.

How will the Americans respond? Having staked political capital on the $500 billion Stargate, Trump and his entourage of billionaires have no choice, they will double down. We are hearing the narrative already, they are now saying that $500 million invested in DeepSeek’s advancements will produce even more amazing advancements in AI.

At a moment in history, as America consumes itself, China has taken a leap forward. Not only have they bloodied Trump, they have shaken the world in ways Napoleon could never have foreseen.

There are actually lessons to be learned in how Canada might deal with Trump but the political bobble heads and corporate Canada have actually come to believe the myths of neo-liberalism they started purveying in the 80’s, and are now incapable of rising above their paralysing fear.

Every investor has to ask, what are the implications of DeepSeek for their investments? Doubling down by the Americans will keep the party going for a while but it seems reasonable to expect a reckoning. Where would 5i look for alternatives to AI investments? Please suggest 5 US and 5 Cdn stocks that have strong balance sheets and reasonable growth prospects (without stretched valuations) that would benefit from using much less expensive AI? Also, please suggest a couple of ETF’s for Europe and China that would benefit should those markets surprise to the upside?
Read Answer Asked by michael on February 04, 2025
Q: I have money to invest and I own none of these stocks. Could you list them in order that you would buy them today.
Thanks for you help.
Read Answer Asked by Dorothy on February 03, 2025
Q: I'm over weight Technologies with the following securities KSX, SHOP, CLS, TOI, PLTR, CSU and NVDA. If you had to sell one or two which ones would you sell, or would you trim some from each and keep all?
Read Answer Asked by Mike on January 29, 2025
Q: Looking to invest new funds in SMID CAD. Do not need income - lean to Growth. On a risk/reward ranking, from this list or any others you prefer, please advise where you would focus investments for 3-5 years hold.
Read Answer Asked by sam on January 20, 2025
Q: Are there any stocks out there today that you feel are stupidly mispriced and could get a nice bounce/run this year?
Thank you
Read Answer Asked by Christine on January 17, 2025
Q: Hi 5i

Please as many questions as needed.

I am heavily invested in stocks and want to raise cash, putting more money into bonds. I have about 10% in Canadian oil and gas, 5% gold stocks, and about 13% in uranium stocks. I am going to hold my gold and uranium.

What allocation would you suggest for a retiree in terms of portfolio holdings of gas and oil?

I am concerned about the possible coming tarriffs and the effect on the Canadian ecomomy. Most of my holdings are Canadian. A lot of these are in dividend stocks. I have held them through the past few years but I do need to increase the allocation to conservative investments. I plan to reduce most by about 20% or consider outright sells. I currently prefer to reduce downside risk than worry about the upside.

Can you help me decide from the viewpoint of possible tarriffs and effect on the Canadian economy which are at risk the most. Could you class these as hold, reduce or sell. I will hold all my U.S. stocks which are about 15% of my portfolio and haven't listed those here.

Thank you for your very helpful advice.
Read Answer Asked by Tulio on January 10, 2025
Q: How would you rank the following four companies at current valuations? Which ones would you be comfortable buying a full position in?
Read Answer Asked by Schoombee on January 08, 2025