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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: I know you generally think Chorus Entertainment has too much debt but do you not think that this company is seriously undervalued in the market? They will generate near $200 million in FCF in 2020/21 even with the Covid-19 hit. They do have $1.65 billion in debt but they have been paying this down with the FCF ($250 million recently) and none of this debt is going to impact them in 2020/21. You factor this in and even with a "possible" dividend cut in June, this stock seems very cheap. I don't own any yet but I keep looking at it and thinking about it. Any other thoughts?
Read Answer Asked by Kevin on May 06, 2020
Q: Wajax and Transcontinental have several things in common : mid single digit p/e, moderately high yield, relatively safe pay-out ratio, and a turnaround in earnings seems possible. Can you think of any other companies whose profile hits the 4 previously mentioned criteria. Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by JACK on January 22, 2020
Q: I regretfully bought both of these stocks for the high dividend payouts. At this point Im sitting at a 50% loss on both stocks. They each represent a decent chunk of my total portfolio. Also they’re in my TFSA. Should I take the loss on these now or wait them out for a bit? Thanks!
Read Answer Asked by Danielle on November 12, 2019
Q: With Shaw exiting Corus and Netflix starting streaming of corus held shows, do you think Corus could be bought out? How big is their debt, bigger than DHX media? If the debt is not too high, do you see it as a potential buyout by a streaming company. It seems streaming is the new thing, replacing cable.
A fair price in a buyout for Corus in the $6.00 range?
Read Answer Asked by Helen on August 29, 2019
Q: Just received a notice from TD re Corus:
TD Direct Investing would like to inform you that the following New Issue has just been announced.
"Corus Entertainment Inc.
Short Description: Secondary Offering of Class B Non-Voting Participating Shares via Bought Deal
Price: $6.80 CDN per share.
Settlement: On or about May 31 2019."
The current price is $8.06 and it hasn't traded at $6.80 in a month.
How can they do this price?
Read Answer Asked by Madeline on May 15, 2019
Q: Hi 5i,

Portfolio Analytics is telling me to lighten up slightly in CDN exposure and add to International.

I hold First National (up 25%) and Corus (down God knows how much but bouncing back recently). Both in my TFSA. These were literally the first two individual stocks I ever purchased.

Just based on the fact this is a TFSA and my time horizon is decades, the answer is probably a no-brainer but I've got to ask your opinion anyways - should I dump these and roll the $ into an Intl ETF?

I've got lots of exposure (XAW) to developed markets but much less so to emerging. I am considering both VEE and XEC. Thoughts on either, or a better option?

Please deduct credits as appropriate for the multi-part question.


Read Answer Asked by Ryan on April 25, 2019
Q: I have been contributing to my TFSA since inception and I currently have $90,000. I just put in $6000 as my 2019 contribution and I'm wondering what stocks I should look at. I'm 27 years old, have a long term time horizon, and I'm very comfortable with a lot of risk. Looking mainly for growth at this point. I currently have 30% of my account in the following (wxm, iwo, xsu, tdb3055 and RBF1035) (pretty well equal amounts). In addition I hold T, rY, BNS, JE, Enb, dol, ala, cjr, and fts all set up in Drips in roughly equal amounts. I also hold about 10% of my tfsa in ABM, EDT, loto and GQ for risky plays, all of which are down 50% except abm which is up 50%. what do you suggest adding at this point? Thanks so much!
Read Answer Asked by Danielle on March 08, 2019
Q: I would like some recommendations on some companies or ETF's that you like now and going forward. I'm looking for growth as I have a 20year+ time frame and low aversion to risk. I currently hold in my TFSA: CJR.B (down about 5%, should I hold or sell some/all off? -heaviest weighting of portfolio currently), GS, BNS, CPH, CR, KXS, NIF, SIS. Would like to add more companies to TFSA for some more sector diversification and can add to RRSP as well - possibly a growth ETF with US/International exposure? Would appreciate your input, thanks very much.
Read Answer Asked by Dustin on January 29, 2019
Q: Hi,
Thanks always for your advice, it's been very helpful.
Part of my investing strategy is to hold company shares (where possible) in AST or Computershare so I can use the dripping programs for the tax break. I am down drastically with CJR.B - should I sell and move on? Also, I hold ENB, NTR and PPL all of which have suspended their drip programs. Are they worth holding, so I can do something with the cash dividends or should I move on from them. All of my moving on would be to purchase other companies that drip.
Read Answer Asked by michele on November 07, 2018
Q: Hi 5i:
I've been struggling with what to do about some questionable decisions I've made over the last year or so and would greatly appreciate your advice.
Since we began handling our family RSPs 2 years ago the overall value has increased 58% (not including contributions) which we're pleased with. But that gain could be much better if not severely weighed down by Corus (4.5 % of portfolio & down 46%); Firan (2.7% of portfolio & down 43%); Freshii (2.3% of portfolio & down 51%); Extendicare (2.4% of portfolio & down 27%) and, more recently Transcontinental (6% of portfolio and down 18%).
I look at these and don't know what to do - hold or sell - and that indecision is creeping into the rest of my decision making to the extent that I'm pretty much doing nothing but letting the whole shebang sit where it is, which I don't think is a good investment strategy.
We have 6 years until conversion to RRIFs.
Could you tell me what you think would be my best next step for each of those listed above. If sensible to sell any or all and put the proceeds somewhere more useful I will, but before I take that step (and that loss) I could sure use objective advice as to whether that's the right thing to do on a case by case basis.
Thanks - your thoughts will be much appreciated. And if your answer requires more than 1 credit that's completely understood.
Read Answer Asked by Peter on October 09, 2018