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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hello 5i,

I currently hold these stocks in an unregistered account. I have journaled over the five companies into a US account for the dividend. I would like to add possibly two more companies that pay their dividend in US funds. I have the rest of the balanced fund and some growth in my TFSA. Any suggestions to add here, and if it results in duplication, what would you remove from the list. I am well balanced and would likely have to sell at least one current stock and could just add the other if you can give me two. Was looking at Nutrien or AQN. Didn’t pull the trigger on AQN last year at 12.5.

Thanks for the assist.
Read Answer Asked by Kelly on September 26, 2019
Q: Earlier today a member talked about companies that had grown in value, in his case Sunlife had reached over 7% of his portfolio, and asked if he should be trimming them. You encouraged him to cut back to 5%. I understand the general principle of balance and diversification in a portfolio in order to reduce risk, but how do you reconcile being rigid about that with the idea that Peter and many other fund managers and advisers have written about - the importance of letting your winners run? Exceptional portfolio results are often due to one or two stocks that have doubled, tripled and more. Boyd is such a stock for me. It is still recommended as a buy by 5i and many others at current levels. I can't imagine why I'd cut it back. My question though is a general one. How do you resolve these two conflicting notions?
Read Answer Asked by Bob on September 25, 2019
Q: in my unregistered account have these four: BNS, CSU,ENB and KXS. I would like to add one stock. can you recommend a couple choices please?
Read Answer Asked by Danny-boy on September 25, 2019
Q: I follow your responses quite closely and value your perspective. On Sept 16th your response to a question on BYD.UN included the statement that it was 12 x ev/ebitda. For those of us who follow such metrics, could you outline the numbers you used to come to this result. My numbers return a result of 4.8. Perhaps an explanation of why you rely on such a metric would also help. Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Gerry on September 23, 2019
Q: Hi, Could you please comment on the company's intention to convert from income trust to corporate structure. They also mentioned that this move will help improve liquidity in daily trading as well as allow investors outside Canada to own the shares. Besides the tax implications, do you see this move impacting the share price in near/ long term or make comapny shares more attractive to institutions to own. Thank You
Read Answer Asked by rajeev on September 17, 2019
Q: You had recommend these stocks back in March when I had asked for some growth names for 2-3 year old. Unfortunately I did not pull the trigger and Both stocks have run up a fair bit. Is this still a good entry point or perhaps wait for a general market correction for go easy and BOYD. Also thoughts on Spinmaster to initiate a position. Thx
Read Answer Asked by Aleem on August 13, 2019
Q: Hi,

Looking for three names for a long term hold. Can you pick your best three choices for some growth, some income and not too volatile?
Read Answer Asked by Graeme on August 09, 2019
Q: Hi 5i
According to the Portfolio Analytics, I should be reducing my exposure to consumer cyclical stocks from 15% down to 10% of my overall portfolio, and I agree I should reduce 3-5%. I currently have MG-3%, CCL.B-4.5%, BYD.UN-4.5%, GIL-2% and the big laggard TSGI-only 1% of my portfolio now.
I'm considering selling TSGI (50% loss) as I'm getting fed up with it, in addition to one of either GIL or MG. What is your opinion on this approach, and would you sell GIL or MG at this time? I'd also like to hear if you would advise a different approach to reducing my exposure. Thanks very much!
Read Answer Asked by Lois on August 07, 2019
Q: Hi 5i and team
I presently own WSP which ran up to 5% of holdings and SIS. I'm considering selling SIS and adding BYD.UN and or CAE. That move could bring me to 10% industrial. Should i trim WSP and keep industrial to a prefered percentage or Let it run which brings Me to my other question if allowed. I get confused with all sectors ie: cyclical, non cyclical, defensive etc...i would prefer having 7 if possible. I'd appreciate your thoughts with this.
Thanks for your valuable advice as always.
Read Answer Asked by Gilles on July 08, 2019
Q: I am continuing to take initial positions (about 1% each) in a TFSA to build a diversified set of stocks. Primary focus is income with some growth. I have a 10 year plus timeframe. Currently have SU, KXS, ENB. Looking to add either BYD.UN or BAD. Both seem solid and are close to 52 week highs. Which of these two (if either) is recommended first and why? I could possibly add the other later if it remains solid.

Thank you
Read Answer Asked by Mark on July 03, 2019