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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: I am looking to add some income etfs that are looking attractive in this downturn to my RRSP. I'm looking for combined growth of 8-10% year over year for 10 years for this segment of my portfolio. Do you see either of the above as attractive in this way, or can you suggest something else? I could go to Cdn, but have most of my cash in USD right now.
Read Answer Asked by Kim on March 17, 2025
Q: The US versions of these ETFs have high yields. I am selling some of my more volatile RRSP holdings and want to move the funds into ETFs that add stability and a return of 8-10% with dividend/growth. Are these ETF's considered relatively stable. and is there a point that they should be considered less stable, for example, if interest rates rise. The Cdn equiv show no dividend. Is there a reason for this?
Read Answer Asked by Kim on November 21, 2024