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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: There is alot of talk about nuclear energy for plant renewals or upgrades. Also a lot of (Small modular reactors). Rolls Royce .Are any of these worth looking at for investments. I have a lot of points for answer. What companies would benefit most in near future. From mining to eng'r to construction.
Read Answer Asked by Guy on September 25, 2024
Q: hi all:

looking at the total nuclear complex from producers to manufacturing to servicing to repairing.............the whole industry now and into the future

besides the producers (i own cco and nxe) who do you see as potential investable companies over the next 5+ years

(in services, i own bwxt)

more specifically, i'm hearing more that small modular reactors will show good potential for our energy grid, who do you foresee as playing a role in building and servicing?

......and anything else you care to add on this theme!

thank you
Read Answer Asked by Robert on June 26, 2024
Q: I have followed nuclear energy and Cameco for about three decades. It has been a tough investment environment for most of this time. We now are seeing a dynamic change in sentiment and planned expansion in this part of the energy sector. As an optimistic investor heavily invested in uranium stocks, I expect to have further capital gains as nuclear plants are built. However, it appears that some of the new modular reactors will use spent fuel rods as the source of uranium to run their reactors. Do you see this having a significantly negative impact on uranium demand going forward? Also, will the BEP’s Westinghouse purchase be material to the company in an expanding demand for nuclear energy?
With appreciation,
Read Answer Asked by Ed on June 18, 2024
Q: Hi 5i,

I realize this company is newly public so with little history it is hard to comment on fundamentals.
But do you feel the nuclear fission industry has a significant play in AI energy and basically is there anything compelling about buying this name for a 3 year hold?

Really appreciate all you folks do - the community you’ve created here with your expertise is inspiring!
Read Answer Asked by Josh on June 04, 2024
Q: Greetings 5i,

My portfolio is well established with many blue chips and large cap tech companies. However, I keep a small seperate portfolio for interesting "moonshots" and I recently I took a small intial position in OKLO, small nuclear reactors, for a 5-10 year hold.

What are 5is houghts on OKLO?

What is Sam Altmans involvement?


SEC FILING for OKLO STATES ".... Peter Thiel are the members of the investment committee established by Mithril II GP".

What is Thiel's involvement?

Thanks for the help over the years :-)

Read Answer Asked by Duane on May 28, 2024