Q: help ? what happened to this fund today.its down to 0. thanks brian
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Investment Q&A
Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.
Q: I wish to build a 3 year cash reserve to cover market fluctuations in retirement. Looking for liquidity and safety, and ease of use. I am considering HISA, money market funds, GIC's or Bonds ?
My account is at Investorline so would have to be available through them. Are any of these preferable or do you have other suggestions?
My account is at Investorline so would have to be available through them. Are any of these preferable or do you have other suggestions?
iShares Core Canadian Long Term Bond Index ETF (XLB)
iShares Core S&P/TSX Capped Composite Index ETF (XIC)
iShares S&P/TSX Composite High Dividend Index ETF (XEI)
Vanguard Canadian Aggregate Bond Index ETF (VAB)
Vanguard FTSE Developed All Cap ex North America Index ETF (VIU)
Vanguard FTSE Emerging Markets All Cap Index ETF (VEE)
iShares Core U.S. Aggregate Bond ETF (AGG)
iShares MSCI EAFE Growth ETF (EFG)
Global X High Interest Savings ETF (CASH)
High Interest Savings Account ETF (HISA)
Q: I have $100,000 of cash in an investment account, am looking for some conservative ETF’s with 1/3 going to fixed income, same to Cdn Equity and balance to Global. Any suggestions? Given the trade war with the USA, I might sit on the sidelines for a few weeks so ny thoughts on best way to invest the cash with good liquidity. I was looking at HISA ETF’s but they are very low currently.
Public Storage (PSA)
iShares 1-5 Year Laddered Corporate Bond Index ETF (CBO)
RBC 1-5 Year Laddered Canadian Bond ETF (RLB)
Global X High Interest Savings ETF (CASH)
High Interest Savings Account ETF (HISA)
Q: Hello 5i,
I have been retired for 4 years and i am now am about to turn 65. i have a DB pension from my previous employer with a bridge benefit that carries until my 65th birthday in a few months.
I have done some projections on maximizing both income over the course of my retirement. I have determined that in my case it appears that these results are optimized if i defer OAS and CPP until age 70...and i am fortunate that i can afford to do this.
At this point i am in the process of converting a enough of my investments to fixed income products to cover income requirements until age 70 (to avoid short term market volatility and help me sleep better at night). One of the products i am looking at is using laddered USD GICs as they have better returns than CAD GICs at this point. I understand you don't give personal advice but i am wondering if there are other options i should consider? Bonds for example? Other?
I have been retired for 4 years and i am now am about to turn 65. i have a DB pension from my previous employer with a bridge benefit that carries until my 65th birthday in a few months.
I have done some projections on maximizing both income over the course of my retirement. I have determined that in my case it appears that these results are optimized if i defer OAS and CPP until age 70...and i am fortunate that i can afford to do this.
At this point i am in the process of converting a enough of my investments to fixed income products to cover income requirements until age 70 (to avoid short term market volatility and help me sleep better at night). One of the products i am looking at is using laddered USD GICs as they have better returns than CAD GICs at this point. I understand you don't give personal advice but i am wondering if there are other options i should consider? Bonds for example? Other?
Q: How safe is CBIL? Can it be used instead of a HISA? It has a great yield.
Q: I'm comparing Psa and Hisa etfs and it appears Psa has a slightly better monthly payout. Am I correct? Thanks John
Global X Cash Maximizer Corporate Class ETF (HSAV)
Global X High Interest Savings ETF (CASH)
High Interest Savings Account ETF (HISA)
Q: im looking for a high interest canadian cash etf to park some cdn funds?
Purpose High Interest Savings Fund (PSA)
Global X High Interest Savings ETF (CASH)
High Interest Savings Account ETF (HISA)
Q: Is there a cash holding to invest in that is not locked into a term (like a GIC but with no term), so, with full liquidity? I'm thinking of a high-interest type account within an RRSP so I can go to cash a few months in advance of need for the cash, but still incur interest on the cash as I wait to make a monthly withdrawal. I invest with RBC Direct Investing in case that's helpful - perhaps there is an RBC product that suits my needs.
Q: Hi,
If I invest in a high interest savings ETF like CASH, am I taking risk on my principal? Or am I just taking risk on what interest rate I'm earning?
It seems like there is a bit of a principal risk. Would the price go down if the rates go down?
If I invest in a high interest savings ETF like CASH, am I taking risk on my principal? Or am I just taking risk on what interest rate I'm earning?
It seems like there is a bit of a principal risk. Would the price go down if the rates go down?
BMO Covered Call Canadian Banks ETF (ZWB)
BMO Equal Weight REITs Index ETF (ZRE)
iShares Core U.S. Aggregate Bond ETF (AGG)
Global X High Interest Savings ETF (CASH)
High Interest Savings Account ETF (HISA)
Q: I am 83 years old and thinking of reducing my portfolio of stocks and putting the monies in Dimensional Funds in my RRIF. Returns seem to be excellent and I would like to get your opinion on these funds. I have no pension so I rely solely on the income generated by these Funds
Second question: The other option is trading my stocks for ETF's therefore what 5/6 ETF's would you recommend that would make a nice balanced income producing portfolio
Second question: The other option is trading my stocks for ETF's therefore what 5/6 ETF's would you recommend that would make a nice balanced income producing portfolio
Lockheed Martin Corporation (LMT)
Northrop Grumman Corporation (NOC)
Wheaton Precious Metals Corp. (WPM)
Agnico Eagle Mines Limited (AEM)
BMO Aggregate Bond Index ETF (ZAG)
Vanguard Canadian Aggregate Bond Index ETF (VAB)
SPDR Gold Shares ETF (GLD)
iShares U.S. Aerospace & Defense ETF (ITA)
RTX Corporation (RTX)
High Interest Savings Account ETF (HISA)
Q: In a best case scenario, I think 4 years of Donald Trump in power will be chaotic and discruptive in the US and globally. In a worst case, I believe the US is heading for internal unrest/violence, and the certain parts of the globe will be at war. If you were a 74 year old investor who has done well listening to 5i the last 2 years, how would you now hedge against these scenarios?
Purpose High Interest Savings Fund (PSA)
Global X High Interest Savings ETF (CASH)
Global X 0-3 Month T-Bill ETF (CBIL)
High Interest Savings Account ETF (HISA)
Q: I am concerned about the height of the stock markets and am in the process of reducing my equity holdings. If there is a correction or bear market next year, then I would want to be able to invest again at some point.
With the cash that becomes available from the sale of equities, what would you recommend as an investment? I am looking for something that is extremely safe, can be sold at any time (which eliminates a GIC for consideration) and gives me a bit of yield/gain. Are there any ETFs which fit this bill?
Thank you for this wonderful service.
With the cash that becomes available from the sale of equities, what would you recommend as an investment? I am looking for something that is extremely safe, can be sold at any time (which eliminates a GIC for consideration) and gives me a bit of yield/gain. Are there any ETFs which fit this bill?
Thank you for this wonderful service.
ATS Corporation (ATS)
Purpose High Interest Savings Fund (PSA)
Boyd Group Services Inc. (BYD)
Hamilton Enhanced Multi-Sector Covered Call ETF (HDIV)
Global X High Interest Savings ETF (CASH)
High Interest Savings Account ETF (HISA)
Q: I have sold the above two companies, half of BYD and all of ATS. The purpse was to raise cash and put it into a high interest Canadian dollar savings ETF to wait out the first part of the Trump presidential version Nu. two.
Do you have an ETF that you recommend or maybe another suggestion?
Do you have an ETF that you recommend or maybe another suggestion?
Purpose High Interest Savings Fund (PSA)
Purpose US Cash Fund (PSU.U)
Global X USD Cash Maximizer Corporate Class ETF (HSUV.U)
Global X High Interest Savings ETF (CASH)
US High Interest Savings Account Fund (HISU.U)
High Interest Savings Account ETF (HISA)
Q: Can you suggest CDN and US dollar etfs to own for interest instead of just holding cash in non-registered and registered (TFSA, RSP) accounts? Thank you
Purpose High Interest Savings Fund (PSA)
Global X High Interest Savings ETF (CASH)
High Interest Savings Account ETF (HISA)
Q: Hello,
I'm looking for a way to park some money for one-year to pay down part of my mortgage after that. What are some low risk options to maintain liquidity if I need to use the funds for some emergency?
Thanks for your help!
I'm looking for a way to park some money for one-year to pay down part of my mortgage after that. What are some low risk options to maintain liquidity if I need to use the funds for some emergency?
Thanks for your help!
iShares Premium Money Market ETF (CMR)
Purpose High Interest Savings Fund (PSA)
Global X Cash Maximizer Corporate Class ETF (HSAV)
Global X High Interest Savings ETF (CASH)
Global X 0-3 Month T-Bill ETF (CBIL)
High Interest Savings Account ETF (HISA)
Q: Good morning, I have $200,000.00 in a taxable account and am looking for a temporary safe place to invest it in for a period of 6 to 8 months, hoping to generate some yield.
Do you have any suggestions?
Kindly advise & Thank you
Do you have any suggestions?
Kindly advise & Thank you
Purpose High Interest Savings Fund (PSA)
Global X Cash Maximizer Corporate Class ETF (HSAV)
Global X High Interest Savings ETF (CASH)
High Interest Savings Account ETF (HISA)
Q: Hi,
I'm looking to park some Cdn funds in a high interest savings ETF, and use TD as my bank. I found HISA, but don't know anything about the .NE exchange - if you could enlighten me on that - and let me know if there are better products that this, I would appreciate it!
Thanks for all your consistently great advice!
I'm looking to park some Cdn funds in a high interest savings ETF, and use TD as my bank. I found HISA, but don't know anything about the .NE exchange - if you could enlighten me on that - and let me know if there are better products that this, I would appreciate it!
Thanks for all your consistently great advice!
Q: Hi 5i,
I accumulate cash in my TFSA until I have enough to purchase a meaningful position in a stock. What are some good options you'd recommend for holding the cash in to generate interest while it accumulates?
Thanks for all you do -
I accumulate cash in my TFSA until I have enough to purchase a meaningful position in a stock. What are some good options you'd recommend for holding the cash in to generate interest while it accumulates?
Thanks for all you do -
Q: Hi there, there seems like there are many HISA-like ETFs available to pick from these days. Which would you recommend and do some have less risk than others? Thanks!
Q: would you have any suggestions to park USD for a couple months against high yield instead of a GIC?