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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: In August you were asked about 10 high growth companies you'd be comfortable holding for 10 years, with the following companies suggested.


A lot has happened since August! Any updates you'd make at this time?
Read Answer Asked by Kel on December 03, 2024
Q: DOCS; As I understand matters while this issue reported very good progress in its last earnings statement the investment community seems luke warm so I wondered what contributed to their last earnings and whether the improvement was durable, or not, while on TMDX the projections are quite aggressive against the backdrop of a poor quarter, so once again I am curious as to what triggered their poor performance in the last reported quarter and whether the service they offer is unique or copied/ replicated by others. Look forward to your response.
Read Answer Asked by Mike on December 03, 2024
Q: I currently own the following at a loss: ASPN, CROX, NU, TMDX, VKTX

You suggestions on which to:

1. Sell and look elsewhere for better opportunity
2. Sell and rebuy in 30 days
3. Add into current weakness
Read Answer Asked by Kel on December 02, 2024
Q: Hello Team,

My TFSA is currently not getting the returns I'm hoping for, can you please rank the above companies to purchase today in a TFSA account.

Also if you feel strongly about any other high growth stocks I'm missing pls include 2 or 3 additional ideas.

Read Answer Asked by Kevin on November 27, 2024
Q: How would you rank the above listed companies today for a long term hold?
Read Answer Asked by Andrew on November 12, 2024
Q: Good Mornings,

With much thanks to 5i, my winning stocks far outweigh my losers. However, I'm thinking of doing a little post election portfolio cleanup of two stocks.

Just trying to decide if I should consider cutting my losses on Aspen Aerogels and Transmedics, or if you think the analysts might have it correct and they are worth holding for another quarter or two?

I think I may have missed the boat on Axon, which I have deliberated about buying for two years. It has gone up so rapidly with the Trump win, that it may do some consolidating for a while.

If you have some small-mid cap suggestions that you think are showing good momentum and might be a replacement for ASPN and TMDX, please give me a few ideas. This could include Axon or any other sector stock, US or Canadian.

Thanks very much,

Read Answer Asked by Bradley on November 11, 2024
Q: Since the results of the US election were clear, I wanted to move a few dollars around preparing for the next 4 years. Can you rank in order the 12 stocks listed from best too worst. Only looking for capital appreciation over the next 3-4 years. Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Kevin on November 09, 2024
Q: Good day,

Based on my last question, Your order was


These were my proposed and current holdings. My investment account is not unlimited, and many of my "concerning holdings" are in the bottom half of the list, and although they are currently 5i holds, would 5i get out of them to initiate positions in more lucrative opportunities?

IE, would 5i move CELH, TMDX, ATS, and CROX to the "sell" column if it meant being able to initiate positions in GOOG, ISRG, SHOP, and AEM?

Thanks for everything!
Read Answer Asked by James on November 05, 2024
Q: Good Day,

Rough day in the markets Thursday. After mine and other questions, getting a sort of analysis paralysis trying to make the 'right' move. Some (potentially) attractive dips, and Looking to set up the accounts for the next couple months.

Current concerning holdings. Hold, Sell, or add?


For the adds and holds, please rank with the following names in terms of highest conviction and total returns in the coming year. Knowing you can't get personal, what would be the highest portfolio percentage you would think would be appropriate for each given the nature/stage of the lifecycle each is in?


Thanks for everything!

Read Answer Asked by James on November 01, 2024
Q: My wife feels like she has too big a position in WELL for a relatively small company.

She is thinking of selling of some and buying ISRG or else TMDX during what seems an attractive current dip.

She is fine with risk, so is considering ISRG for its growth more than its stability.

Please give your thoughts on the relative outlook for each of these companies in the mid- to long-term.
Read Answer Asked by Kevin on November 01, 2024
Q: Hi,
Few weeks ago I bought a small position in TMDX at $130. As the stock got closer to earnings, I sold some naked puts at $105, collected a nice premium and expecting that if it dropped after earnings, I could pick up some more 20% lower which I'm happy to do. With the larger stock drop after earnings down to $85 now, I'm thinking about my options. I'll most likely be assigned the shares at $105, which expire in 2 weeks.

As you have mentioned in many comments, I think these results are temporary headwinds and long term I'm still bullish. I'm tempted to 1) sell another put at around $70-75 and if the stock drops there, I'm happy to buy more. If it rises, I just keep the premium and reduce my cost base. Or 2) I was thinking I could buy the stock here and sell a covered call at around $95-100? Any other ideas you would implement here if this were you? what would YOU do if this were you? Thank you!
Read Answer Asked by Keith on October 31, 2024
Q: Hello Team,

I am re-balancing my portfolio and I have a bit of cash to invest. Of the 12 stocks listed, can you please rank in order you would add to an existing stock. Looking for a 3-5 year hold and not worries about risk and or industry. Thanks again.
Read Answer Asked by Kevin on October 30, 2024
Q: Making some adjustments in the growth portion of a registered account held in US$ by trimming NVDA & selling CROX which still has a good profit but may languish for awhile. Would you rank the above 4 picks please (highest = 10) and suggest entry price. Also, would you pick just 1 from each of the 2 sectors represented or would you prefer some of each and if so, divide equally or ??
Many thanks as always.
Read Answer Asked by Alexandra on October 29, 2024
Q: I have to sell some NVDA for balance (thanks for creating this problem in my portfolio!). Can you recomment 5 US stocks regardless of sector that might have comparable growth over 3-5 years? Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Martin on October 28, 2024
Q: Good Day,

Edit: I got to the end of this and realize there is a lot to unpack here. My apologies and please forgive the transient nature of my ADD brain. Take however many credits you need.

I really enjoyed Jonathans question and your subsequent answer on Oct 10. Continuing on that thread, I too consider myself primarily a growth investor, and have a fairly high tolerance for risk. However, in contradiction (somewhat) to that, I also Love equities with a DRIP program.

I'm planning on making a significant contribution to my RRSP investment account to hopefully capitalize on some opportunities/ tax loss selling in the end of the year, and enjoying the tax break in April.

1. I think? I have a pretty solid basket of growth names, significantly from 5i recommendations. CALF CLBT CROX MSFT NVDA POWL SMCI TCS TMDX AMZN ASPN HPS LMN TVK VRT. In the growth space, Please provide 6 recommendations (CAD, US) ranked in decreasing order of preference that you would consider beneficial to these. If any of these current positions are in a very attractive place to add, you could suggest that with a why.

2. In the dividend/DRIP space, I have DE CHE.UN ZWT BAM SU PPL. About a month ago, I sold my BEP and BNS and rolled them in to my double up my BAM, which paid off, but am considering a re-buy. Reading the questions lately, you have been big on BNS and TD, but seem to contradict yourselves on it. Often recommending BNS over TD, only to recommend to someone that holds both to cut BNS over TD if only one is to be held. Are they that close in terms of future runway/room to grow/total returns? With my Love of DRIPs, would you give the edge to BNS due to the higher dividend? Could you recommend 3 - 5 options in this space, preferably holdings that would require less than 10K (20K for very high conviction) invested to DRIP a unit. ETFs are OK with low fees and higher Dividend.

3. In Jonathans question you commented on Materials being a great addition to a growth investors portfolio as a semi uncorrelated diversification. I've held LUN and LIF in the past, but with the power demands and resurgence of Nuclear, are there better options out there? Please provide 2-3 dividend paying and up to 5 growth options in this space.

4. Is GOOG a buy here? I fully agree that the impact was way overblown. Is it worth getting into one of the 2x leverage tickers for GOOG if ones conviction is very high? Is there any company you would consider a leveraged holding on? If so, which?

Thanks for everything!!!

Read Answer Asked by James on October 28, 2024