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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hey 5i: I am overweight with whitecap and down 5% in the 9$ range ,could use for tax loss but like the dividend. Would definitely sell at 10$ but also would be fine breaking even because I may need this money in the next 8months to a year.With this in mind do you like it as a hold considering needing the money is not a certainty. Tough call but appreciate your input.Tks. Larry
Read Answer Asked by Larry on August 17, 2022
Q: What are your top 3-5 of picks in small/mid cap Canadian O&G stocks? I'd also appreciate your thoughts on holding periods.

(Eric Nuttal seems to think they will do well for quite a while yet, though he seems to always be bullish - or maybe just talks his book...)
Read Answer Asked by Dave on August 16, 2022
Q: Hi. I own these oil stocks and have to get rid of two or three. Which three would you sell first and in what order? Thanks Paul
Read Answer Asked by Paul on July 29, 2022
Q: Thanks to your wonderful Portfolio Tracking and Analysis, I know that Energy makes up 11.07 % of my portfolio. Your statistical recommendation is that energy should be 5 % of my personalized portfolio. In order of rate of return, I have Tourmaline Oil, Enbridge, Whitecap, Suncor, Athabasca and Tamarack Valley. I am more heavily weighted in Tourmaline and Enbridge but my question is twofold. Am I really overweight in energy at this time and if so other than trimming from my two big winners, which two or three companies would you eliminate to pare back closer to 5%? The proceeds would go to buying ATD.b and Loblaws. Thanks for this wonderful service.
Read Answer Asked by Dennis on July 26, 2022
Q: Hi Peter, Ryan and 5i team,

You answered Maureen's question about TOU and TPZ as follows:

"We like both, but would consider TOU more of a growth story and TPZ more for income. We would be comfortable with a swap if that matches an investors' objectives."

How would you answer if WCP was the stock I'm considering to sell (not TPZ) in order to buy more TOU? (I realize that WCP is more of a growth story, but it's quite a bit more volatile than TOU.)

Thanks for your insight.
Read Answer Asked by Jerry on July 20, 2022
Q: I unfortunately bought these companies recently.I am down a huge percentage in a few short weeks.Are there any names here that I should keep?I thought I was buying high quality basket.Does energy collapse in a recession?
Read Answer Asked by Kim on July 14, 2022
Q: Good Morning,

I have stayed away from Oil and Gas during the current resurgence having been been burned badly in the past.

The sector, however, has become very hard to ignore.

What would be your top 2 - 3 picks for a conservative retired income investor?

Thanks very much.

Read Answer Asked by Dave on July 05, 2022
Q: Your comments about the proposed acquisition of XTO Energy from Imperial Oil & Exxon would be appreciated. Different strategy from other producers to do M&A vs giving mega free cash flows to shareholders right away as increased dividends, special dividends or share buy backs.
Are they long term trying to emulate Tourmaline’s growth strategy. Comments most welcome. Thanks for ALL you do for us.
Read Answer Asked by Brad on June 29, 2022
Q: Hi Team,
TOI has had a rough couple days. Today as of writing down another 5%. At $62 a share today would you consider this a great buy? Is there any news that is making the stock drop extra bad today compared to some other tech stocks that are rallying some today? Also...even though oil is more in favour in todays market, would you consider selling some of either WCP, BTE, or TVE to buy into TOI weakness? And would you consider TOI a better long term hold than an oil stock?Thanks

Read Answer Asked by Shane on June 16, 2022
Q: 5I team: From many previous answers with regards to oil stocks I gathered that white cap was rated quite well in the oil sector. Recently I am not so sure. I typically carry something on margin and currently it happens to be white cap . Paid 12.50 per share so today down 4% at this moment and not sure to crystallize a loss. Under my scenario on margin would you advise any other options in same or other sector . Can you advise sell or hold or top choices for replacement? I do own mg, enb, and ntr. and vrif, for diversification.Any thought much appreciated.Tks Larry
Read Answer Asked by Larry on June 13, 2022