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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: I currently own each of these oil & gas industry stocks. Are they well positioned for any potential consolidation/takeover activity that is rumored to occur as a followup from the XOM Pioneer story? Which firms are best positioned for takeover/merger/consolidation?
Read Answer Asked by David on October 11, 2023
Q: Could you please compare TVE and BIR for growth and income. Do their fundamentals differ significantly to favour one outperforming the other over a 3-5 year period.
For a mid to higher risk investor, what other names in oil and gas would you consider that might provide higher returns?
Read Answer Asked by Alvin on October 03, 2023
Q: Hello Peter,
Do you still see both Topicus and Lumine Group as long term holds or should i just buy CSU and add more to my existing shares? If oil companies decide to privatize, how would the investor share price be reflected? Does the company buy out our portion of shares and at what price (current price of market).. Lastly, any comments on baytex would be appreciated. Thanks
Read Answer Asked by umedali on September 20, 2023
Q: i have listed some cdn oil companies, i own ath and cpg. my question is with oil at 91. none of the above companies or all cdn or u.s oil companies stock price even comes close to an oil price of 91., most are 25-30% below where they should be. they are coining so much cash it defies description.
why is this and will it ever change or is this the environment re oil and gas-dirty fuel etc we just have to live with. dave
Read Answer Asked by david on September 18, 2023
Q: Is it time to buy energy stocks? If so, what 2-3 holdings do you suggest? In the past I've successfully owned TVE, WCP and SGY. for growth. I currently own CNQ and have held it for years as an income stock. Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Kim on September 18, 2023
Q: The above are my overweighted energy holdings. Can you please prioritize them as I have to reduce my weighting. Is there any I should exit. Again Thanks in advance.
Read Answer Asked by John on August 14, 2023
Q: How would you rank these companies in terms of overall growth going forward in the energy sector. I'm currently holding TOU, WCP, TVE and KEL.

Largest position is in TOU at around 3% (+44%) and smaller positions in WCP (+69%), TVE (-9%) and KEL (-14%) . I could add to any of these names. How does TOU compare vs AR in terms of natural gas companies? AR has pulled back in the last year and today it was up close to 9% which I couldn't find any news. I'm thinking of selling some TOU or just starting a new position in AR. I also like that AR is buying back shares, have strong insider ownership, founder operated, strong margins and balance sheet. All metrics seem pretty strong with AR, any red flags that you see? Thoughts?

Read Answer Asked by Keith on May 19, 2023
Q: Good morning,

I currently hold FRU in my TFSA account and it is down approx 30%.

Q1. What is your outlook at this time of FRU and would this be a good entry point to purchase some additional shares?

I wish to purchase an energy stock for my TFSA and GXE is one under consideration given the relative safety of its high dividend and growth prospect should the price of oil go higher.

Q2. What are your thoughts and outlook of GXE at this time and do you have a better recommendation for a new position in my TFSA?

Thank you and I'll await your sage advice.
Read Answer Asked by Francesco on March 30, 2023
Q: Hi 5i,
I have a meaningful stake in WCP and am nicely in the green. I also have what I worry may be an irrational faith in its future prospects and its management, regardless of predictions that the energy sector will begin (or should I say continue?) to underperform in the not-too-distant future.
So, I'm looking for a reality check.
I have recently read elsewhere that WCP's debt, both short and long term, while presently manageable, is of a magnitude to potentially cause WCP significant problems that may well negatively impact both its share price and dividend if its revenues decrease by the amounts some are predicting over the next year and beyond.
Although I understand that there is 'good' debt and 'bad' debt and can both tell the difference in my personal life, and recognize how it is affecting me, analyzing the debt of a specific company in relation to its current and anticipated future revenues, CAPEX, FCF, EPS, P/E, etc. etc. is beyond me.
I would greatly appreciate your thoughts on the future prospects of WCP in this context.
Read Answer Asked by Peter on February 28, 2023
Q: I'm thinking to sell FRU for a tax loss and add to WCP. Eric Nuttal mentioned WCP is increasing their dividend? Where would one find this info?
I'm seeing conflicting info on dividend yields, on this platform as well, where is the most up to date place to search for yield info?

Do you have any other picks than WCP to consider for an income investor for a long term bullish oil play?
Read Answer Asked by Robert on February 28, 2023
Q: Can you please rank these 5 companies in order from best to worse for future growth/income.

Thank you in advance.
Read Answer Asked by John on February 15, 2023