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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Would you consider Guardian Ult-Shrt US TB USD ETF (US $ denom) to be one of the safest ways to hold USD? Last monthly interest payment was 5% annualized which is quite favourable … seems others may not offer higher rates.

Initially the plan was at sub 4.5% level to put this cash elsewhere but with declining US Bond prices I am now wondering how quickly rates may move lower and am wondering if we may experience a diverging interest rate environment between Cda n US rates. What’s the likelihood we could see such divergence n is there a point where the effect of a weakening Canadian dlr would limit further divergence (we are weak at 72.5 exch now but recall a lo of 68 many years ago).

Read Answer Asked by Craig on October 23, 2024