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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: I hold these 8 US Heathcare stocks. Each are about 1.5% of my holdings. I would like to consolidate the 8 down to about 4 holdings. Which ones would you sell and which ones would you add to? Thanks for your great ongoing advice.
Read Answer Asked by Peter on August 08, 2024
Q: Please rank these healthcare stocks in terms of long term growth potential (5-10 years or more): EW, ISRG, IDXX, GEHC, ZTS, ABT, TMO, ATRI, GMED, INMD
Read Answer Asked by Brian on March 20, 2024
Q: I own LLY and GEHC and am looking to add CVS or SYK? I'm actually open to selling LLY or GECH, but my point is I'd like to keep 3.

Please let me know your thoughts.
Read Answer Asked by Gregory on March 04, 2024
Q: In the US healthcare space, I am looking for a value priced name with meaningful upside total return potential (3 to 5 years) ideally with some current yield. Am thinking ABBV but not sure if I should be looking at pure play pharmaceutical, equipment mfg or..? CVS already owned
Thoughts please on above or others, and thanks
Read Answer Asked by Harry on May 23, 2023
Q: Hello,
Any idea why united health keeps going down even though the latest results were good? Do you think Shopify is getting head of itself as it keeps ticking higher.. Is this simply due to tech stocks doing well as a sector in the last month or so.. and what do you think of starting a position in GE Health? Much appreciated. .
Read Answer Asked by umedali on February 03, 2023
Q: What is your view of GEHC, the recent spinoff from GE, in terms of its growth prospects? Who are its major competitors and where would you generally rank GEHC among the competition? Thanks
Read Answer Asked by Dave on January 17, 2023