BMO Covered Call Canadian Banks ETF (ZWB)
BMO Covered Call Utilities Fund (ZWU)
Canoe EIT Income Fund (EIT.UN)
BMO Canadian High Dividend Covered Call Fund (ZWC)
Evolve S&P/TSX 60 Enhanced Yield Fund (ETSX)
Hamilton Canadian Financials YIELD MAXIMIZER TM ETF (HMAX)
Q: I would like to put about 50% of my portfolio into safe, higher yielding (10%+) Canadian focused ETF's or Mutual Funds, and adjust my holdings as needed going forward based on sector performance. I feel that both Banks & Utilities are nearing lows and that a further correction may occur in the general market due to tax loss selling or possibly one more rate hike. Do you feel that the mix of ETF's listed provide a safe way to invest with the goals indicated? What % for each, as part of the 50%, would you recommend as a holding, and how would they be treated for tax purposes? Thanks for the great service and please use as many credits as necessary.