Q: Re the Adjusted Cost Base for BN and BAM (still no symbol comes up), I set mine at 1/4 of the ACB of the original BAM.A. However InvestorLine set my ACB for BAM at less than half that and BN higher than 3/4. I have not seen any discussion anywhere including the BN website for how to establish the ACB. Do you have any information to help?
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Investment Q&A
Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.
Q: What am I missing?The market seems to hate this new BAM/BN spin out.Talk about loss of market value!!!
Brookfield Asset Management Inc Class A Limited (BAM)
Brookfield Corporation Class A Limited Voting Shares (BN)
Q: With the split of BAM.A, would you transfer the new BAM to an Income Portfolio as it is more a dividend paying stock but keep BN in a Balance Portfolio as it is more growth-eee?........Tom
Q: Hi 5i,
with the recent split I can't seem to find the canadian ticker;
BAM:CA in your database.
with the recent split I can't seem to find the canadian ticker;
BAM:CA in your database.
Q: With the split of BAM.A into BAM and BN now complete, I am considering whether to sell the BAM spinoff shares and redeploy the cash into BN, or sell BN and buy more BAM, or use some cash and add to both. What do you think of the long term outlook for each company? Is BAM going to be mainly a dividend payor, or there some growth there too? I know you like BN for long term growth.