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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hi Peter, Ryan and 5i team,
It’s that time of year to contribute to our grandson’s RESP (age 9). After rebalancing and adding new money we can add two stocks to the portfolio. To broaden the sectors , we are looking at utilities, healthcare, and real estate. Could you please suggest a name in each sector .
Thank you for your opinion.
Read Answer Asked by john on January 17, 2023
Q: I asked this question yesterday but I don't see it in the 'My Questions' section, so I ask again. I want to add a dividend growth company or ETF to my kids RESP with a 5-10 year time horizon. I already have T, BMO, and ABBV in other accounts. What do you recommend from the 5i Research stock and ETF universe as a good buy now with plans to add over time? Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Zohreh on January 17, 2023
Q: I apologize for another question about these entities, I did search the question archives and did not see this clarified, how was the market value of each respective entity post split determined? Does it make economic sense? Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Barbara on January 17, 2023
Q: Would you recommend using investment money to help pay off a line of credit? That money would be coming from a tfsa. If so, from the list provided, please list the top 5 stocks in order that you would sell?

APPLE and MSFT would be sold at a loss.

Thanks for everything
Read Answer Asked by Nick on January 17, 2023
Q: If I understand correctly, BNRE shares are exchangeable 1:1 for BN shares. Is there an advantage to do so? Now or at future date and under what circumstances?
As always, thank you for the valuable information you provide.
Read Answer Asked by Carlos on January 16, 2023
Q: Questrade made a mess with the BAM split in our accounts.
Just to confirm:
(1) 100 shares of BAM.A.US bought at $32USD, after the split, I should end up with 25 shares of BAM:US at $29.50 and 100 shares of BN:US at $32
(2) 100 shares of BAM.A.CA bought $51CAD, after the split, I should end up with 25 BAM:CA at $39.65 and 100 BN shares at $51CAD.
Is the BAM:US initial valuation of $29.50USD and BAM:CA at $39.65CAD correct?
Read Answer Asked by Grant on January 16, 2023
Q: 1. What are your thoughts on Carlyle Secured Lending - CGBD ?
- I found this company by accident and was intrigued...
- I have a small position in an RRSP account
- Should I increase position or move on

2. Alimentation Couche Tarde - ATD
- I have a good position and have a gain of 40%+
- Going into this year of uncertainty, would you suggest Trim, Hold or Buy ?

3. Brookfield
- I am currently holding Brookfield via BN and BAM(spinoff)
- Should I increase my position in One or Both ?
- OR Sell One to buy more of the other ?

Wishing good health, happiness and prosperity to all for 2023!
Read Answer Asked by michael on January 13, 2023
Q: What are your top 4-5 stock picks for 2023 growth and/or inflation protection ?

Read Answer Asked by John on January 11, 2023
Q: Could you suggest a diversified mini portfolio of Cdn stocks from your BE portfolio? The portfolio is too small to accommodate the full BE set of stocks. Thank you and happy new year.
Read Answer Asked by Chris on January 11, 2023
Q: Can you please tell me what the difference is between BN and BAM? What one is better/why did they split it out?
Read Answer Asked by Max on January 10, 2023
Q: Wondering if you can help me figure this out Peter,

Bought 360shares of BAM.A at $54.62. Spin off took place and I ended up with 90 shares of Bam and 360 shares of BN. In making my calculations after everything is settled, it looks like Today I am sitting at roughly $19,678 - original investment was 19,680.

Is this a sell, hold or buy right now??? Its a little confusing for a simpleton such as me.

Thank you for all you do

Read Answer Asked by Gord on January 10, 2023
Q: Happy New Year to 5i.
I have some cash available in my unregistered CDN account and looking to put it to work. Unfortunately, last years workers were lazy and negatively productive and still on the payroll. I wish I could lay them all off. Hoping for better in 2023.

I know you don't like to give personal advice but can you please recommend a hard worker that has the highest probability (in your opinion) of the paying me back in 2023?

Read Answer Asked by Danny-boy on January 06, 2023
Q: How would you invest ‘23’s $6500 TSFA allowance? Is there 3 or 4 North American stocks you would buy tomorrow? DCA over the next month into one name? Not concerned about sector or risk - 10 year investment horizon.

Thinking SHOP, BN, NVDA and GOOG. All of which I own today and are down from when I purchased.

Appreciate your thoughts.

Read Answer Asked by Don on January 04, 2023
Q: Happy New Year to the 5i Team. I enjoyed Lightspeed on its ascent in my TFSA, and suffered buying back too early. I believe, supported by some analysts, that it has a future. Should I take my lumps, sell LSPD and invest the proceeds to increase my position in BN to 4%, or continue to hold LSPD. Which stock does 5i feel will generate the best overall return over the next 5 years?
Read Answer Asked by Edward on January 04, 2023