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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: From what I can gather, the Oil Supply/Demand Gap is supposed to come in line sometime late Q2 or sometime in Q3. At these levels RRX looks very attractive. The have a strong balance sheet with little debt.

Obviously pullbacks are hard to predict. That being said, do you think its reasonable that we'll observe sub $50 prices with news today of a record amount of speculative long positions in Oil?

There is a lot of concern whether a border tax (if implemented) would either exempt Canadian Energy companies.

Read Answer Asked by Geoff on February 07, 2017
Q: Hello Peter,
I am currently underweight commodities and overweight technology. What would you think of selling DSG and ENGH and buying TOG and RRX? Do you think whatever incremental return expected by this change would justify the increase in volatility and risk?
Also, what are the approx wait times in terms of weeks for a portfolio review?
Read Answer Asked by Rajiv on February 06, 2017
Q: Hello 5i.
Pushed send on this question Jan 30. Resending.

Hello 5i
I have a couple oil investments(PSK/CPG) and have been using pipelines for Energy sector exposure.

As I have been watching the chatter on 5i about energy growth stocks and with today's pull back, I have been looking to enter positions of producers....possible VII(significant asset in the ground), TOU(after purchase from Shell), RRX(a 5i focus stock).

Would you please comment on preference from above or other from universe - related to search for growth from today's price , political situation and oil/gas price environment?

Peters and Co indicate expectation for $40 oil price going into summer. How would you balance this information in purchases today?


Read Answer Asked by David on February 02, 2017
Q: Good afternoon,
I hold a combination of stocks from your BE and Growth portfolio. To date I have not purchased either of your energy picks. At current prices both have had a pull back. Which one do you recommend purchasing at this time? I plan to hold long term and dividend is not needed.
Thank you,
Read Answer Asked by KERRI on January 18, 2017
Q: would you consider all of these stocks energy and oil related? How much of total weight would you give in this sector at this time? Would you consider 13% total too high in this sector?

Read Answer Asked on January 04, 2017
Q: I would like to increase my exposure to the energy sector. Which one or two above mentioned energy companies do you recommend. Can you please rank them. If you have any other recommendations please mention.
Read Answer Asked by Jacob on December 23, 2016
Bought 2000 bte @ 4.00 i think id like to sell and replace it with one or two other cos. with better prospects. my other oil holding 3% are wcp
hwo . i been whatcing rrx but it doesnt move a little help please
thxs. and MC
Read Answer Asked by bob on December 13, 2016
Q: Hi 5i: I want to add to my small holdings of mid-cap oil stocks when the OPEC bounce subsides. I have looked at WCP and RRX. How would you rate these - I wish to focus on light oil producers? Do you have any other suggestions - I am interested in growth not dividends? Many thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Roland on December 05, 2016
Q: Hi all - I need an energy company to add to my portfolio. I have held off buying a name in the oil/gas/pipeline sector as I've been expecting the cycle to take a number of years for the demand and supply sides to lose inertia and start moving in the opposite directions. I don't think we're there yet (US crude draw-down reports are suspiciously counter to other indicators out there), but I'm thinking the down-side risk is for companies that will survive is pretty low at least.

Which two companies would you recommend at this time?

Thx very much.
Read Answer Asked by Rick on October 31, 2016