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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hello. David Rosenberg’s latest per a Globe article today:

“Best to hide in cash, bonds (Treasuries, Ginnie Mae mortgages, high-quality corporates), gold and the miners (silver too), defensive bond-proxies in the stock market that have decent yields and consistent dividend payout growth (stable dividend stocks are up +5% year-to-date), Japanese money market funds (ride the most undervalued currency on the planet and a BoJ set to raise short-term interest rates sooner rather than later), and diversify into the European Defense and Capital Goods sectors which now have more fiscal-related visibility.”

Can you provide some specific ideas (stocks and or ETFs) that match up with his recommended areas to ride this out?

Read Answer Asked by Robert on March 11, 2025
Q: Dear 5i
If it's not too much to ask could you give me the most accurate yield that you possibly can on the above stated ETF's . It's very frustrating obtaining this information acurrately as different web sites give different numbers . If you were to rely on just one non prescription website what would that website be to obtain reasonably accurate yield information ? I'm sure you get tired of being asked this question on a fairly regular basis .
If you have other suggestion on similar like ETF's i would be all ears .
I also assume that all these ETF's are quite safe and that no more than 100K should be put into any one of them .
Thanks greatly
Bill C
Read Answer Asked by Bill on March 07, 2025
Q: I'm looking for an ETF in the US Markets for a US Dollar Money Market Fund or equivalent with low fees. Could you recommend one or two very reputable ones?

Broadly, I came into some US dollars, and before I invest them, I'd like to put them into treasury equivalents for security until I invest into the broader market.
Read Answer Asked by Ian on January 27, 2025
Q: Investing in US currencies - Can you provide some suggestions on how to participate in the strength of the US dollar as compared to the CDN dollar.Are there exchange-traded funds of exchange-traded notes that focus on exploiting US currency movements?
Read Answer Asked by Ronnie on December 03, 2024
Q: Can you suggest CDN and US dollar etfs to own for interest instead of just holding cash in non-registered and registered (TFSA, RSP) accounts? Thank you
Read Answer Asked by David on November 06, 2024
Q: Hello
I’m sitting on a fair amount of cash in Canadian dollars that I want to protect from falling against the US dollar without going through cost of conversion to US
Any instrument that I can use to earn some interest and hedge against an expected drop…I own a lots of ZSP.
Read Answer Asked by Peter on October 23, 2024
Q: Looking to invest additional US dollars into a high interest ETF. Currently invested in UCSH.U, but are there others ones I should be considering as better options.
Read Answer Asked by RALPH on October 10, 2024
Q: Hi, Can you let me know what High interest ETF (highest yield?) you recommend - in US and CDN $.
I also believe there is one High interest ETF, that does not pay interest, but accumulates capital gains, what is it's name and what do you think of it.
Read Answer Asked by Peter on September 05, 2024
Q: I have US cash to manage to fund our snowbird expenses. I need lower risk, liquidity, with a decent return and HISU.U seems to meet this criteria. Do you think there is a benefit to diversify the cash portfolio into equal amounts of other similar ETF's like PSU.U, ZUP.U, ZMI.U or ZWB.U? Can you recommend a US ETF with moderate risk and opportunity for growth that I could allocate 20% of this cash portfolio for a 5 to 10 year hold? Thanks!
Read Answer Asked by ALAN on August 02, 2024
Q: Hello 5i Team

For the reader asking for US$ denominated money market funds at RBC Direct Investing - suggestions are:

RBF2014 a US$ investment savings account with Royal Bank of Canada ($100k CDIC insurance) - trades as a mutual fund but no commission. Interest rate is competitive (4.90 %)

Any of the TSX listed US cash etf listed - RBCD charges $9.95 per buy or sell - as long as buying/selling greater than $1,000 the percentage charged is cheaper than the mutual fund charge (1 % to max $50).

Read Answer Asked by Stephen on August 02, 2024
Q: Hi there, I recently asked “ Can you suggest any principal-protected US ETFs? For parking USD cash to earn a yield in a securities account. (The only product I can think of that has this profile is a HISA ETF.)”

Seems like there is no HISA equivalent in the US from your response. What is the next best thing that is US listed? A money market fund? If so which would you suggest?

Read Answer Asked by Chris on July 08, 2024