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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Good Morning,
Can I please get a handful of your favourite copper stocks right now?
Read Answer Asked by Chris on September 29, 2021
Q: Your thoughts on continuing to hold LUN with the CEO leaving at year end (although supposedly continuing in an advisory capacity for a further year) and replacement being someone without operational experience in the mining industry, which seems to be an issue for Lundin these days. It also appears few Board members have operational experience according to recent Globe article.
Read Answer Asked by Alexandra on September 14, 2021
Q: I have a number of laggards in my portfolio that have been dramatically outperformed by peers during this year's rally, many of which I already own. I realize that you have generally rated these as 'hold' when asked in the past-yet I'm seeing a substantial opportunity cost to holding while others hold momentum during these hot markets for tech, industrial and commodities.
Any thoughts on whether it is worth continuing to hold and would you advise replacing at this time. ie on the balance of possible outcomes, would I be better off to stand pat or shift over to comparables within the sectors?
Read Answer Asked by Peter on July 19, 2021
Q: Precious metals having a good day today, assuming its mainly because of the hot inflation numbers coming out. Do you see these stocks having more room to run? I own the above. Can you rank the above stocks in terms of the inflationary environment and which have the best growth and potential. Which sectors would do the best? Also I'm low in energy, would that sector do well if inflation persists or is it mainly driven by energy prices? Do you still see inflation as transitory or more persistent? Thanks!
Read Answer Asked by Keith on July 14, 2021
Q: Hi team,
Much is said about the rising demand for copper from Europe and Asia over the next few months due to technology and electric cars.For now the price of copper seems to have paused .What is your outlook for copper demand ,the price ,and which companies would best benefit from the rise in demand?
Many thanks,
Read Answer Asked by Jean on June 11, 2021
Q: Hi group why do you continue to recommend LUN I bought it 3 mths ago for the copper play and so far is is not performing well as copper continues to rise. looks like a sell to me

Also can you shed any light on lumber prices it has been dropping like a stone is the sector consolidating or is the drop the real deal. WEF has been hit particularly hard any idea why Thanks for your guidance
Read Answer Asked by Terence on May 18, 2021
Q: I am rebalancing and need to add Material equities to my portfolio. Currently my only holding in that sector is MX:CA. Materials will represent 13% of the portfolio equal to my energy allotment. Generally speaking should I dispose of MX (because it is more or less energy focused)and start from scratch for sector investment? Can you provide some guidance on companies to check out? I have a 3-5 year horizon and like dividends.
Read Answer Asked by Robert on May 18, 2021
Q: Hello to all

As I read the Q&A this morning and learned about the problems in Chile, I understood why Lundin was down yesterday and was so out of line with its sector. I just opened a position, bad timing. What is its weight in Chile exactly and do you still trust this company for the short, medium or long term (with its current valuation). Maybe it would be better to liquidate the position. What do you think about it?

Thank you very much.
Read Answer Asked by Charles on May 18, 2021
Q: i seem to have an overload of miners. can you suggest what i should trim or do i hold everyone for the economic expansion yet to come and hope cooper will remain as valuable as experts seem to say for the pending electrification of the vehicle and infrastructure ...thx much
Read Answer Asked by Bob on May 17, 2021
Q: Hello Peter and Team
Is it still time to invest in basic material.
I would like to increase my exposure to a reasonable level.
Between CMMC, HBM, LUN or Teck.B what will be your choice, could you rank them for a year exposure.
Thank You
Read Answer Asked by Raoul on May 14, 2021
Q: Hi! I own TECK.B and KL as part of my materials exposure. Small positions about 3% total of my portfolio. Looking to increase to about 10% of my portfolio. Given what I currently own, I am thinking of adding Nutrien for some ag exposure and then one of LUN, FM or HBM. Do you agree with this approach? Do you think 10% materials exposure is too high or too low given current economic expansion and inflation environments?

Read Answer Asked by Jason on May 04, 2021