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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Good morning,

With sells as it was going up, I am still about breakeven on CRH but it has dropped to 1% of my portfolio. I have lost confidence such that I won't put more in. I am, however, looking for additional healthcare exposure. Right now I am also holding JNJ (3%) Danaher (DHR, 4%) which is mostly medical/dental since the spin-off of Fortive. I have been thinking of exiting JNJ due to the price that they paid for their latest acquisition. It seems a little inconsistent with their historically very conservative nature.

Would you think that adding a 2.5-3% SIS or GUD is a better approach, or should I keep CRH given its longer term potential? I prefer to not watch my investments every day and have a diversified portfolio across market cap and Canada/US with a lot of multinational companies (like CCL in Canada and UL in the US, for instance).

Do you have any perspective on the JNJ acquisition? If so, please feel free to deduct two questions.


Read Answer Asked by Derek on September 05, 2017
Q: Hi - I know you don't often comment on US stocks but was hoping you had a general opinion of the ongoing WDC situation with Toshiba. If they win the bidding, would this be looked at positively by the market or not? On the flip side, if they lose how do you expect the market to react? In other words, is it important that they win the bid? Thank you!
Read Answer Asked by Doug on September 05, 2017
Q: 5i

I have held JNJ for a few years and it has grown to be 10% of my portfolio. Using your sage advice I need to reduce the shares in JNJ. I am retired, have JNJ in my RRIF and depend on dividends to enhance my retirement pension. Would like a suggestion as to any USA stocks you would recommend that is as safe as JNJ and pay a dividend of 3% or more with some growth I know you do not cover USA stocks but thought you might have a suggestion. If not is there an ETF with USA exposure that may accomplish these goals. I am currently 74% Canadian and 26% USA invested.Look forward to your thoughts and recommendations


Read Answer Asked by Wayne on September 05, 2017
Q: My understanding of options is not very good other than the basics. Is ZPW a bull play or bear play on the market ? Part of me thinks that a put means a bear play but if the market goes up the put expires worthless and the fund collects the premium. So could you explain what conditions favour this ETF over one like ZWH which uses a call strategy ? What is the difference between how a rising, flat, or falling market will effect these two ETF's ? I notice ZPW has a slightly higher yield. Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Garth on September 05, 2017
Q: Hi Peter,

ZEB & ZBK were recommendatons in August to cover Banks.
1. Is this strategy valid today for an RRSP (1/2-full position) or would you opt for direct investment in TD/BNS instead of ZEB (based on concerns with BMO and Royal).
2. Is another option for US banks recommended?

Thank you
Jerry & Debbie
Read Answer Asked by Jerry on September 05, 2017
Q: Good Morning Team,

Would you switch NXPI for GIlD?

NXPI isn't really going anywhere after the cash offer by Qualcomm (is it still on?) and has no dividend.
After the initial hesitation, the recent deal by GILD seems to be welcomed by the market.

So, I guess my question is: which one has the most upside potential at this point?

As always,thanks for your wise input.
Read Answer Asked by Saeed on September 01, 2017
Q: Hello team,
Which one has the most downside risk? Which one has the most upside potential? Which one you would buy today and why? Would you consider all three as buy-and-forget kind of stock for the next five years? (Everyone is waiting for a correction, if not a market crash, and I am afraid of causing one by finally accepting to invest a bit.)
Thank you as always!
Read Answer Asked by Saeed on September 01, 2017
Q: Although I know you do not cover US companies, I was wondering about your take on JNJ. Especially given recent lawsuit activity with regard to their baby talcum powder and ovarian cancer, and possible upcoming class action lawsuit with regard to same. I know of at least one advisor recommending a sell due to this issue, but I am puzzled as there has been no negative reaction to the stock price so far. Your thoughts? Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by William on September 01, 2017
Q: Hi Peter: I currently hold ZWH in my rrsp and as it is the only U.S. exposure that I have, am wondering what you else you would suggest as a compliment to it. ZWH currently is 6 % of my overall portfolio. I am looking for something of a moderate risk to hold for 3-5 years or longer.

Thanks, David
Read Answer Asked by david on August 31, 2017