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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: I just saw Tesla’s Q4 production and deliveries numbers in an article on Cleantechnica. It looks to me like they were excellent and it sounds from coverage I’ve followed that they’ve maintained and grown numbers that impressed in Q3 and also have solved a number of issues in Q4 that should enable better production outcomes in future quarters.

On the end user side, the cars seem to be crushing the competition - Safety ratings are a step change vs. ICE cars and the performance of model 3 seems to beat luxury competitors or at least match with lower Running costs. Data is showing that they are stealing share from competitors rather than cannabilizing Model S and X sales.

My question for 5i: is this becoming a good company to invest in? I still fear the debt but Mr. Musk says they intend to pay it down substantially in the near future. Me. Musk seems to have settled down and recognized his importance to the company and the importance of his behaviour but I do fear that if something horrible happens to him that the stick gets crushed. What are 5i thoughts given the latest?
Read Answer Asked by Marc on January 03, 2019
Q: Considering bitcoins' drop in value, does anyone have an idea of what percentage of nvdia's business is tied to Bitcoin mining? What other customer streams does Nvidia have and what percentages might they be? What has been nvidia's primary growth catalyst the last 3 years? Does nvidia's prospects continue to be bright going forward?
Read Answer Asked by Mark on January 02, 2019
Q: About half a year after spinning off its electrical business, and now concentrating more on the water / filtration side, would you now consider Pentair a better investment than when the two businesses were combined ? I realize this isn't a Canadian stock.

The P/E has come down quite a bit since that time. They only raised their dividend 3% this year. Although they have a long history of increases, this one isn't great.


Read Answer Asked by James on January 02, 2019
Q: I have been watching BA, UNH, V and MSFT for well over a year, they have all been growing their stock price at an impressive rate for over 5 years or more, and now wonder whether they have finally come down to a point where one could look to buy them with a margin of safety?
Read Answer Asked by Mike on January 02, 2019
Q: Can you please provide a list of 5 US stocks which have been unduly punished in the recent market turmoil and could be poised for a bounce back over time. Thx
Read Answer Asked by Vineet on December 31, 2018