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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hi 5i,
I have some USD set aside to purchase Pfizer (PFE:US) and have a window of up until about Aug.5th give or take, having missed the latest dividend. So, I am in no real hurry. My question is: should I just proceed and purchase now or wait to see if there is any kind of pull-back presenting a better entry point between now and August? I see it has continued to grind higher over the past while.
Your thoughts would be appreciated.
Read Answer Asked by Mike on June 25, 2019
Q: Hi there, I had asked a question earlier and you had suggested TEAM as an alternative to SLACK. After doing some searches in the Q&A section it seems like AYX and TEAM are very favourable. Would you be comfortable taking a small position in both names at current prices? Also, are these 2 names your current favourite US growth names? Thanks!
Read Answer Asked by Michael on June 25, 2019
Q: Hi,

Would you consider doing a report on AT-Acuity Ads? Your analysis on this stock is much appreciated. How is their balance sheet, cash flow, debt level, management and their product. Peter's article in the Financial Post got me interested in AT because I sold TTD rather prematurely (and I am kicking myself) ..Would you recommend one to buy the same stock (TTD) at a higher price or consider its little brother?
Read Answer Asked by Shyam on June 24, 2019
Q: I am converting an all stock portfolio to the sample ETF Growth portfolio. Which ETFs would you put in the TFSA? Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Bill on June 24, 2019
Q: Hi there, I've been invested in TSX listed stocks for the last few years. I recently transferred over a small amount (~2%) of my portfolio into USD thinking of buying Slack. This would be my only US holding. My question is, what would be your favourite listed US stock at the current moment if I were not to buy Slack? I am an investor who mainly follows your BE Portfolio with a tilt towards growth (ie: swapped a handful of names and replaced them with GSY, SHOP, LSPD etc).

Also, the market looks like it's been running up lately. Do you think we're possibly going to dip in double digits later this year (similar to last year's dip)? I've been hearing that earnings haven't been that great so far.

Read Answer Asked by Michael on June 24, 2019
Q: As the opportunity arises, I need to lessen my overweight position in SIS. Would SYK be an attractive substitute in a sector that, like SIS, is right for the times as the general population ages and are increasingly in deteriorating physical shape. Is there any other company with these dynamics that I should look at?
Read Answer Asked by Geoffrey on June 24, 2019
Q: Good Morning, Could I have your opinion on SNAP and CLDR for their long term potential? I saw some previous post was very negative about SNAP's future but it had increased stock price more than 3X for the past half year. Is there any fundamental change for SNAP and make it more attractive for long term?


Read Answer Asked by Adam on June 24, 2019
Q: This is a follow up question to my request for your opinion on the management of many companies. Sorry for the prior long list.

It is good to know that you need to like the management of all companies included in your model portfolios. That helps a great deal. When you remove a company from your portfolios, does that mean that you have lost confidence in the management team, among other things?

I have removed those in your portfolios from my list, as well as those with reports where I have found comments on management. The remainder are as follows:



Could you please comment on their management teams, as to whether they are excellent, good, acceptable, or questionable?

Thank you,

Read Answer Asked by Federico on June 21, 2019
Q: Interesting news from Shopify re: opening fulfillment centers in the U.S. ($1 Billion over 5 years). I see this as more directly competing with AMZN, whom I thought they were friendly with.

I own SHOP but I'm honestly not too sure how dependant they are on AMZN for their business. Here on 5i it's been mentioned that they have a serious relationship, but I've never seen it quantified...are you able to share how much of SHOPs business is from AMZN (based on revenue, EPS or other) and what specifically their partnership is?

With this news and within a year or two I'm guessing SHOP will either be dropped by AMZN or bought out.
Read Answer Asked by Cameron on June 20, 2019