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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: "DowDuPont's (DWDP) board of directors approved the separation of the materials science business from the agro-chemical giant, moving forward with plans to create the new Dow that's set to start regular trading in New York next month". I own a small amount of DWDP and I understand I will receive 1 share of the "new" materials science business for every 3 shares of DWDP. What would your recommendation be with the material science business shares once I receive them (hold, sell, or buy more)?

Read Answer Asked by Sean on March 09, 2019
Q: What are your thoughts on this one? I'm looking for growth.
Read Answer Asked by Danielle on March 09, 2019
Q: Hi 5i team,
I do appreciate you going into the usa to recommend a stock. I am trying to reconcile/understand your Micron (MU) recommandation at your latest appearance on BNN (Peter on feb 20th). It seems like MU is rarely (not so often) listed in your more and more frequent lists of recommended usa stocks (am I wrong?). Are the criteria, risk profil or time horizon different for your BNN appearances then your Q&A? More specifically, would you consider MU a long term hold or more a cyclical hold (meaning sell/underweight at certain portion of the economic cycle)?
Thank you for your collaboration,
Read Answer Asked by Eric on March 09, 2019
Q: Lightspeed, what are your thoughts on $16 IPO price? Is it recommended as a buy, considering normal IPO risks? Do you know when it will start trading? Overall, what are your thoughts on prospects?
Read Answer Asked on March 08, 2019
Q: Hi team,

As you know from my questions, I like tech and am a growth investor. I do own some lower beta non-tech stocks as a counter-balance; I just don’t ask a lot of questions on them. The cloud is working these days, with a few normal hiccups. I follow a ton of stocks in the space, so I will ask about five (down from ten) that were bid very high going into earnings, that is, TEAM, TTD, SPLK, AYX, WDAY. Earnings and guidance, as far as I can recall were great, yet the stocks sold off. I attribute it to normal profit taking after big run-ups. I own TTD and TEAM. I owned WDAY in the past, but sold it prematurely. I am a bit shocked and impressed today how AYX shot up about 5% when the market had an awful day. I could see no news on that on the websites I check. Any reason for that? How would you rank these five for growth prospects over the next several years and are there any red flags or undue risks for any so that you would avoid that company?

Thanks again,
Read Answer Asked by Dave on March 08, 2019
Q: I have been contributing to my TFSA since inception and I currently have $90,000. I just put in $6000 as my 2019 contribution and I'm wondering what stocks I should look at. I'm 27 years old, have a long term time horizon, and I'm very comfortable with a lot of risk. Looking mainly for growth at this point. I currently have 30% of my account in the following (wxm, iwo, xsu, tdb3055 and RBF1035) (pretty well equal amounts). In addition I hold T, rY, BNS, JE, Enb, dol, ala, cjr, and fts all set up in Drips in roughly equal amounts. I also hold about 10% of my tfsa in ABM, EDT, loto and GQ for risky plays, all of which are down 50% except abm which is up 50%. what do you suggest adding at this point? Thanks so much!
Read Answer Asked by Danielle on March 08, 2019
Q: Hi 5i team,

Of the stocks that have recently hit 52 week highs in 2019, which of these stocks are you comfortable buying/holding and you feel have the most conviction of hitting further 52 week highs?
I prefer Canadian stocks but if you feel there are US listed stocks worth mentioning that follow this trend...that would be a nice bonus. :)

I realize this might be considered momentum investing (or trading) but stocks hitting 52 week highs generally continue that ride for a bit.
And for those good companies that are missing earnings (KXS, GC, TOY), they seem to be getting no love at all....even though this is likely a quarterly event...hopefully.

Is there a site where we can get this info, maybe on a weekly/monthly basis? G&M used to have this but it is a paid feature now. :(
I did find but there are only a few filters to be applied. It does however have an earnings calendar that might be useful to some.

Your site has the daily highs but unless we are watching this daily it can be a task. Can a filter be added in the future to at least view monthly or YTD highs?

Read Answer Asked by Stephen on March 07, 2019
Q: I am interested in increasing my US content, but do not wish to purchase directly from the US. I am looking for some Canadian ETFs based on US Equities to add to my otherwise balanced TFSA for a 5yr+ hold. I currently hold ZWH. Wondering if you could give me your top 5 picks for growth. I would be interested in your best suggestion to play FAANG stocks as well in a Canadian ETF..
Read Answer Asked by KEN on March 07, 2019