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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hello Team,

I have $17000 in a USD TFSA, and i am looking for some income ideas? I need US funds once in a while, i would prefer stocks rather than ETF'S. Any ideas?

Read Answer Asked by Stephen on June 28, 2019
Q: HHC announced today they have hired a company to explore strategic options, including a possible sale of HHC (surprising) . I love the assets here. It popped 42% today, although off of lows. I am holding on, thinking of selling some covered calls out of the money, or possibly selling some of my shares outright. I'd really appreciate your opinion on what this company is worth., before making any decision.
Read Answer Asked by arnold on June 28, 2019
Q: Hi Peter and Company:
I am under water re. above 3 US companies and 1 Canadian. Your advice, sell or keep? If sell, your recommendation with what to replace in growth companies, sector not important.
If keep, why? I prefer to trade if there is something more promising then
long term wait.
Thanks, Much appreciated as always,
Read Answer Asked by Klaus on June 27, 2019
Q: Hello,
I was wondering if there are one or two diversified ETF's that cover all sectors and all geographies. Could these ETF's replace a well diversified portfolio of 30 different ETF's which cover the same/similar sectors and geographies. This would simply the maintenance of my portfolio. I would also appreciate your opinion on the effectiveness of such ETF's if they exist.
Read Answer Asked by Mauro on June 27, 2019
Q: The CEO/founder has applied to put all of his 52% ownership of the company up for sale. I understand insiders selling a part of their shares, but I've never come across selling all of them. My first thought is some company disaster, but I imagine, in that scenario, an insider would feed them slowly into the market to avoid suspicion. Your opinion please.
Read Answer Asked by sandy on June 27, 2019
Q: Hi there,

Given the general long term trend of better managing our waste, i have been looking at this company to add to my us portfolio. I already own Waste Management which has been a very steady eddy over several years but understand it can be economically sensitive. What do you think of CVA and does it have the same economically sensitivity.

Read Answer Asked by kelly on June 27, 2019
Q: AGN has received a $188.24/s stock+cash offer from ABBV, yet (pre-market) its shares aren't breaking above $173. In this sort of situation, isn't it more typical for the share price to overshoot the offer (given the chance of another bid)? Or is the market doubtful that any deal will be completed?
Read Answer Asked by John on June 25, 2019