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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: I have held MO for over 10 years. It's done very well for me - tripled in value plus dividends. But it's probably time to move on. Traditional tobacco product sales are declining rapidly (not a bad thing to be honest) and investments in JUUL and Cannibis are probably years away from potentially paying off. I'm comfortable with my portfolio make up except for healthcare, which i have no exposure to. I've been looking at ISRG, TMO, BSX and BDK. I'm leaning towards ISRG based on their balance sheet (lots of cash, very little debt),market position, and potential growth but it seems to be in the doghouse after an earnings miss last quarter and it looks expensive on a fwd P/E basis. That said I don't mind paying up for quality. Your thoughts on ISRG or maybe one of the other stocks I listed? Deduct as many credits as you see fit. Thanks in advance.
Read Answer Asked by Richard on June 03, 2019
Q: Plus Products is the only company I know of that produces cannabis gummy bears (Cdn company operating in US). Does 5i know of others?
Read Answer Asked by Bob on May 30, 2019