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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Given your answer on July 23rd, has Amazon over corrected in your view? Do you see any near term catalysts that may cause it to return to the $2,000 range? I assume Bezos’ selling as of late caused some of this fall. I am considering calls on it but am gun shy due to the prospect of getting the timing wrong. Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Jason on August 07, 2019
Q: Good afternoon,
I know US listed stocks are not your focus just looking for an opinion on ZTS quarter numbers that were just reported. It looks good to me, I hold this in a TFSA well diversified. Would you add more to current position? My average cost currently is 94 per share, I am looking for long term capital growth. Thanks
Read Answer Asked by Kolbi on August 07, 2019
Q: how would you value in order of risk these six u.s. div. companies and would you invest funds in these companies in our economically uncertain times....thanks for great service...gene
Read Answer Asked by gene on August 06, 2019
Q: Hi 5i
I'm looking to increase both industrials and telecoms. Any suggestions (CDN and/or US) for me to consider at this time (including reason please)?

Read Answer Asked by mike on August 06, 2019
Q: Looking for some safety if we have a serious downturn. Like others, I appreciate growing dividends and some growth. Looking to add DIS, T, WMT, OR HD to my American holdings. Do you have any major concerns with any of these companies and would you please rate them best to worst based on my investment criteria.
Have yourselves a great weekend.
Read Answer Asked by Les on August 06, 2019
Q: I am looking to get some exposure to the health care sector and thought I would look at an ETF as opposed to a single company. I'm considering either XLV or IHI and would like your opinion of these two ETFs, and which you would prefer. I would be adding the ETF as a full position in my RRSP.

Also, if there is another ETF that you prefer over these two, please include that in your response.

thanks for your insight
Read Answer Asked by Paula on August 06, 2019