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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: I see the value of that stock always going down. I would have thought that they would benefit from a lower yield like the REITs, but it doesn't seem to be the case. Could you give me your opinion on this stock and what could happen to it if the Fed continue to lower the yield? Should I continue to hold expecting an improvement or accept a big loss and sell it now?

Read Answer Asked by Michel on September 09, 2019
Q: Hello, could I have your thoughts on the recent PAYS revenue guidance (didn't seem bad) and stock drop under $10 now.

Also just a thank you as I do read lots of negative comments on the board and people tend to cherry pick one big loss (TSGI, COV for recent ones). Anyways I wanted to add that you have liked/loved some awesome stocks that haven't gotten attention because they aren't Canadian or in your portfolio. Examples - AYX and TEAM, massive gains since these stocks were first in your Q&A and you had positive comments on questions.
Read Answer Asked by Michael on September 09, 2019
Q: I am looking to invest in what could be broadly described as some 'green' companies. These could be involved in power generation, carbon recapture or post consumer recycling to name a few options.
Would you be able to direct me to any funds, etf's or specific firms that may meet (or partially meet) these requirements?
Any help would be much appreciated.
Thank you
Read Answer Asked by Kent on September 06, 2019
Q: since guardant announced their earnings one month ago, increased their guidance, earnings were excellent, stock hit a 110, since then it has cratered big time from 110 to 80 in one month on no news, i exited at 96 with a small profit. it was too painful to watch.
my question is there has to be some reason, maybe their drug trials are not working as well as people think, something, a short report, etc nothing craters like this on no news.i can always buy it back but this is insanity. dave
Read Answer Asked by david on September 05, 2019
Q: Hi please advise - several highly regarded analysts (including Dennis Guartman are forecasting that the Canadian dollar will strengthen against US dollar. Forecast is $115 - $120 by year end - do you support this theory or? should I convert my RBC direct investing US shares to CAD? or ? also apple is selling long term bonds what is you view on buying and how would I go about purchasing these 30 yr bonds / whats the risk?- Deduct credits as you see fit ...thanks
Read Answer Asked by Terence on September 05, 2019
Q: I've owned Illumina about 18 months, I bought for the long term, safe holding, but since last earnings, it's been a terrible performer. It makes 3% of my total holdings and I'm now back to even on my investment.

I really like ILMN for its price history and growth of revenue, EPS, stock price, equity as well as great management. Honestly, I wanted to increase my position to 5% but with this terrible momentum I'm wondering if I should exit (in whole or in part) and wait for the price to settle.

Your thoughts on ILMN long term outlook please and if I should sit and stay, get i further in or out?
Read Answer Asked by Cameron on September 04, 2019
Q: I recently came back from a vacation in the US and thought it might be a good time to make an initial investment in the diabetes space.
Given the extensive research that you do can you recommend two or three top ideas for currently investing in this space for a medium to higher risk investor. I know you do not specialize in non-Canadian equities but country does not matter.
Thanks for all you do!!!
Read Answer Asked by Thomas on September 04, 2019
Q: Hey,
What do you know about (dates, price etc) and what are your thoughts on the Peloton ipo?

Read Answer Asked by david on September 03, 2019
Q: I'm interested in 2 lo-volatility stocks, with some dividend and some momentum for a minimum of 2 years. Most of these REITs mentioned have lots of hold recommendations, but very few buys despite their recent outperformance?? Are they overbought? Can you pick 1 or 2 US REITS for me and 2 CDN reits as well?
Read Answer Asked by Graeme on August 30, 2019