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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: In my TFSA I have had a nice run with SQ and was thinking of selling it out and "starting over" with a couple or three of the above listed stocks that you have recently identified as having high potential ( with the same? amount of risk that came with buying SQ a couple of years back) What do you see as the pros and cons of such a move and if implemented which 2 or 3 would you chooses at this time?
Read Answer Asked by Terry on November 22, 2019
Q: While I know your focus is not US companies, I have US funds to deploy for a longer-term, relatively conservative position. The outlooks for Moody's, Hyatt Hotels and VISA all seem to be positive stories to me. Considering their current prices along with other factors, which of the three would you consider the best prospect and why. If you could name your '2nd place finisher', that would also be appreciated.
Read Answer Asked by James on November 22, 2019
Q: Hello Could you give me your opinion on APPF and ENTG for medium term Thank You for your Appreciated advice Claude
Read Answer Asked by Claude on November 21, 2019
Q: Hello 5i , could I have your comments on Kodiak Sciences.
Its momentum is amazing. Any red flags?
Read Answer Asked by Dave on November 21, 2019
Q: Hello 5i
I own all of the companies noted. I'm wondering if there is excessive overlap here and if I should sell one or more in an effort to reduce overall holdings?
Read Answer Asked by Dave on November 21, 2019
Q: Hi 5i Team - Could you provide the names of 5 or 6 companies which you think have potential for good growth but are still in relatively early stages of development and are still pretty much unknown to the investment world. I am looking for companies with manageable levels of debt or no debt at all. Sector and market cap are not a factor. Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Rob on November 20, 2019