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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Good morning - I have owned VUS (CAD hedged US Total Market ETF) for many years in a taxable account. I would like to switch to VTI (the un-hedged version of the same ETF) but would realize a large capital gain. Is there any way an individual could synthetically gain the same USD exposure via a swap or option contract? I would obviously like to avoid high fees to do this. Thanks
Read Answer Asked by Gary on February 27, 2020
Q: Hi 5i team,

There is no much working in the market these days, which I guess is an understatement. Two stocks that are positively correlated with the virus are MRNA and GILD. There is only one dated question on MRNA. It is developing a potential vaccine for the disease. There is a recent question on GILD, but you did not mention the potential of the drug it is developing to treat people with the disease, likely due to how the question was posed. Both companies are fast-tracking their efforts. MRNA seems to have gone parabolic and hence, looks a lot more risky here. GILD was a value trap for years with a poor pipeline but seems to be breaking out now, which I attribute to the potential of the new drug, if it works.

What are your thoughts on MRNA and GILD is view of their efforts to combat the coronavirus?

Thanks again.
Read Answer Asked by Dave on February 27, 2020
Q: Please give me your opinion about PLUG,PWFL,VSLR, AGYS for next three to five years.

Read Answer Asked by vipin on February 27, 2020
Q: I am thinking to take a position in natural gas producers. The past 5 years have been poor and this may be a good entry point. I feel that a long term hold may be worthwhile especially because of the future potential of LNG.
What do you think of the sector and do you have any recommendations.
What do you think of AR and UNG. Thank you
Read Answer Asked by JACK on February 26, 2020
Q: I am thinking of buying this company, but was surprised to see a lot of insider sells. What do you think?
Read Answer Asked by Elaine or Gerry on February 26, 2020
Q: Hi, I am 42 and just signed up for your portfolio analysis service. One of the key gaps noted was an over-sized focus on Canadian equities and etfs, and particularly a gap in sufficient international investments.
With a 20+ investment horizon for an existing rrsp portfolio, could you suggest some holdings to build a better international base? I already use Both general and thematic etfs but would be happy to add some more targeted stocks of ideas as well.

Thanks so much

Read Answer Asked by Peter on February 26, 2020
Q: I'm interested in somehow purchasing shares or ownership in SpaceX which is privately listed at the moment. I know that Baron Partners Fund (BPTRX) has ownership in the U.S. but I haven't found a way to purchase Baron Funds from my current self-directed TD account. Do you know of any Canadian brokers or ways to buy into Baron funds?
Read Answer Asked by Glenn on February 26, 2020
Q: In light of the Coronavirus pandemic, there's no question that some of the big US names will experience a direct hit to their bottom line. I am currently considering purchasing Starbucks and Disney shares when shortsighted Mr. Market starts selling off.

Firstly, do you agree that there is an opportunity to be had for capital appreciation in the two companies I mentioned.

Secondly, can you please recommend three or more other US or Canadian companies with a huge presence in China (or Asia) that are directly affected by the pandemic but will most certainly continue to do well in the future given its durable competitive advantage?
Read Answer Asked by Maurice on February 26, 2020