Q: Is it OK to buy some PINS at this Level? Many Thanks! Austin
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Investment Q&A
Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.
Q: Do you think Microsoft will buy Tiktok? If so, do you think this will strongly propel growth?
Q: Could you comment on Gild earnings and your feelings on the company going forward. It is down today; would you consider it a buy, hold or sell? Thank you!
Q: Is there any news with why this company has jumped recently?
Q: If Microsoft buys tik tok how big of a deal is this and what does this mean for Microsoft.
Q: Could you please comment on Apple splitting their shares. What would you think of starting a position in todays market?
Q: Peter, Ryan and staff; RPRX has been suggested as a reasonable entery into the US Pharmaceutical industry. I personally know little of the industry so your opinion would be greatly appreciated.
Your past advice and suggestions have made retirement quite enjoyable. Thank you in advance for your help.
Your past advice and suggestions have made retirement quite enjoyable. Thank you in advance for your help.
Q: Could you please comment on their results and outlook?
Q: good morning, do you have any thoughts on FUSN. Prospects for growth, challenges etc. The company comes with a good pedigree but do you think that will translate into a successful business? thanks
Q: Is the time to sell docu?
Q: With the upcoming partnering of Microsoft and Citrix, would you believe it to be a better move to take a position in Citrix for a couple of years or better to purchase Docu for adding to my growth portfolio? Thank you,
Q: Hello 5i Team
Given 5i are not tax experts, could you please comment on the subject below as I could not find a clear answer.
1 - If I own, in a taxable account, a US based REIT (i.e Monmouth REIT) and if a portion of the distribution is "return of capital (ROC)", is the US ROC treated the same as Canadian ROC (i.e. deducted from the capital cost of the US REIT each year therefore reducing the adjusted cost basis)?
2 - Or is the US ROC "lost" and I pay tax on it similar to a dividend from a US corporation?
3 - I have noticed the US REITs do not post the tax breakdown of the annual distribution as the majority of Canadian REITs do.
Any suggested source of information for this topic?
Thank you
Given 5i are not tax experts, could you please comment on the subject below as I could not find a clear answer.
1 - If I own, in a taxable account, a US based REIT (i.e Monmouth REIT) and if a portion of the distribution is "return of capital (ROC)", is the US ROC treated the same as Canadian ROC (i.e. deducted from the capital cost of the US REIT each year therefore reducing the adjusted cost basis)?
2 - Or is the US ROC "lost" and I pay tax on it similar to a dividend from a US corporation?
3 - I have noticed the US REITs do not post the tax breakdown of the annual distribution as the majority of Canadian REITs do.
Any suggested source of information for this topic?
Thank you
Q: My two US industrial companies just reported. The SYX results looked quite good to my inexperienced eye. Not so sure about XYL even though it was advertised as a beat. XYL basically has not beaten earnings in the last year or so and I am wondering if there are better US opportunities. I do hold SIS, TFII, CAE and WSP but overall am a bit underweight industrials. Any suggestions?
Q: If you could only buy one today for a long term hold which one would you choose and why? Microsoft or Apple
Thank you
Thank you
Q: I was puzzled ( STARTLED, actually) in June this year to see that AAII added MDU to its “ Stock Superstars” model portfolio. MDU struck me as a rather sick company operating in an environment that appears to be adverse ---if not downright hostile--- to its business. However when I checked some analysts’ reports I saw several (including CFRA) have a BUY rating on this company notwithstanding its depressing descent down in share price. MDU appears to be a value , even deep value, company, a group that often has hidden dangers. MDU’s s PEG is sky high at 2.53, but ROE and ROCI are not shabby for its industry.
Is this a company you could--- in a sober moment -- buy if you wanted a boring bond proxy to reduce overall portfolio risk? MDU seems to me more suitable for contrarian value investors. It is not uncommon for me to miss something , but is AAII mistaken in calling this business a ‘stock superstar’?
Is this a company you could--- in a sober moment -- buy if you wanted a boring bond proxy to reduce overall portfolio risk? MDU seems to me more suitable for contrarian value investors. It is not uncommon for me to miss something , but is AAII mistaken in calling this business a ‘stock superstar’?
Q: What are your thoughts on the retail sector's long term outlook? For ex: does a company like JWN have enough upside to make it worth a long term bet, given that it has a growing ecommerce channel and was better positioned financially than some of its competitors? If and when the dividend would be reinstated, it looks to be an intriguing yield buying in at the current prices, albeit with considerable risk of continued short term volatility.
Q: Cognizant Technologies has rebounded nicely. What do think of this company going forward? Do the growth prospects warrant a conintue to hold?
I have owned this stock since the beginning of February and wonder if there are better opportunities elsewhere.
Thank you
I have owned this stock since the beginning of February and wonder if there are better opportunities elsewhere.
Thank you
Q: Morning guys:,
Please comment on earnings
Please comment on earnings
Q: I've been holding BX for awhile as a company that can take advantage of it's changed structure as well as bargain shopping in a depressed economy. Is that a reasonable thesis? If it's weak, I might prefer something with a better dividend for that money.
Q: With the stock split, would this be an opportune time to enter this stock?
Thank you. Peter
Thank you. Peter