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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: This past week has a lot of concern raised over widespread security issues, not just in the US. Stocks in the sector all responded with huge upside. My question is really about FEYE and TENB which are much smaller than CRWD. Those 2 stocks traded at much higher volumes on Friday. Do they have some particular answer to this latest security breach that the larger companies may not have? Let me take this opportunity to wish everyone at 5i a merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
Read Answer Asked by Lionel on December 21, 2020
Q: Hi 5i! I have the above noted 5 ETFs in various dollar amounts in 5 different accounts. Average weight in each is less than 3%. The results have been varied with IYJ and VXUS beiong the strongest recently. I am thinking of consolidating 5 into 2 holdings, probably IYG and VXUS which would give me apporoximately 5% in each ETF. These 2 would complement each other since one is all US and the other non-US. Your thoughts please.

Read Answer Asked by Michael on December 21, 2020
Q: Seasons greetings from Nunavut... I'd like to start positions, however all are currently overvalued according to MS - I understand its difficult to value these types of stocks. So far I have a little of all of them, except TTD. Should I just buy??? Or wait till they pull back? Are there some you would buy now and others you'd wait and see?
Read Answer Asked by Mary on December 21, 2020
Q: Early in December 2020, you recommended the following stocks as long term keepers: SHOP, CSU, ENGH, BYD, ATD.B, GSY. Could you please recommended 5 or 6 US stocks that are long term keepers?
Read Answer Asked by Grant on December 21, 2020
Q: SHSP Your thoughts please on SharpSpring.Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by maurice on December 21, 2020
Q: I would like your opinion on these 3 stocks. I know HAI has just IPO on Toronto Exchange but has been around for a few years. I notice AT has just had a good run and wonder if I should hold off or if it is a good company, just bite the bullet it shouldn't matter.
Also I notice MGNI is similar to the other 2 is that right?
Could you please rank them in order best to worst. if you were to buy 2 which and why?
Thanks John
Read Answer Asked by John on December 21, 2020
Q: Hi Team,
I am looking to raise cash to buy CRWD. I need to sell/ trim something to raise cash to do this. Out of the following stocks, which would you recommend selling to do this: KXS, DSG, FB, Docu? Or...would you recommend this at all? Note that I currently hold KXS/ FB / Docu in 2 seperate accounts so I would probably only sell half positions in those ones. Thanks for your help!
Read Answer Asked by Shane on December 20, 2020
Q: Trimmed my SHOP (thank you for that one!) above 1500 as it got to be too big part of my overall portfolio. I'm considering WYNN, WSP, EXPE or BKNG with the proceeds to buy now. Probably will buy 2. I have lots of industrials already but little in the way of recovery trades. Please rank them in order of preference please. Merry Christmas and Best wishes in 2021. Martin
Read Answer Asked by Martin on December 19, 2020
Q: IS THERE AN ETF THAT COVERS ALL THE FANG STOCKS ? does it make more sense to just invest in the Nazdaq index that seems to have outperformed all other indexes by a long shot do you have another suggestion how to invest in american outperform growth stocks several questions ---deduct credits accordingly thanks
Read Answer Asked by terrance on December 19, 2020
Q: Hello. I'm preparing to buy a couple of tech stocks. Unity Software (U) is one; which is a go. Also, 5i seems to like it. But my Q is about Elastic N.V. (ESTC). One Q&A in 2020 with only a few others dating from 2019 in 5i's Q&A section. It looks interesting to me, but I'm not sure. I'd appreciate your updated look at the stock and your opinion about adding it (currently trading at all-time high -- but cash flow is still negative). Thanks!
Read Answer Asked by RANDALL on December 19, 2020
Q: Please pick 1 stock for each of Canada, USA and Global. No restriction on sector.
( use as many credits as required)

A. Shorterm buy for 3 to 6 month, momentum type buy, get out once it slows.
B. Longterm hold growth stock ( 5+ years), but you expect a quick rise in the shorterm.
C. Longterm hold balanced stock ( somegrowth, stable adn growing div), maybe something that has been beaten up by covid that provides a good buy right now.

Along the lines of $ fell into your lap from a long lost aunt's will or you cashed out of the bet you placed on bitcoin so have some fun/free money ....

Read Answer Asked by Tom on December 18, 2020