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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hi,
This is a follow up question to your response to Bob's question on NVDA, AMD. Having only recently purchased AMD, I am somewhat concerned about a lengthy wait for AMD's price to resume an uptrend with the burden of XLNX. At the moment I am down 1/2% and wondering if it is prudent to exit and put the money to work in another growth opportunity? I currently own NVDA and could simply add to it. Other options might be TSM, MPWR, or IPHI. I would welcome your thoughts and any suggestions you may have. Thanks for keeping us informed!

Read Answer Asked by Dawn on October 14, 2020
Q: Further to Dave's question regarding the Raytheon spin-outs, once the CRA has granted them eligible under 86.1, they are not taxable until one ultimately sells them. But to elect to use the 86.1, you must file a letter with the CRA (done typically with your taxes, after you have received documentation from the company showing that this dividend (spin-out) was received, and that you are exercising this right under 86.1, to defer the tax due, until sold. Just google how to claim 86.1 cra eligibility, or also has information on how to claim this eligibility. But most definitely, I believe that if you've received a T3 or T5 or similar, showing the spin-out dividend companies, you cannot ignore it, you must inform the CRA of your intention to defer.
Read Answer Asked by Warren on October 13, 2020
Q: What are your best HIGH Growth ideas in Canadian and US stocks.
I'm willing to accept high volatility and RISK.

Read Answer Asked by Valter on October 13, 2020
Q: Hi team!

I see today on Cision that Infosys has won some new contracts and named a Digital Process leader.
Last question on this company was in 2017.
What are your thoughts these days?
Most of their 'Key Ratios' from your Companies page seem to reflect things are moving in the right direction, ie ROE, ROC. Their 3, 6, 12 and 36 month '% change' charts support this as well with gradual upwards trajectories.
If newly purchased in a balanced portfolio, should it belong to an RRSP, TFSA or non-registered. They do provide a US $ dividend so I assume RRSP.

In keeping with the 'all things Digital' theme, are their other companies you prefer that would be key (ie leaders) in leading the digital transformation? (There was a question asked on Sept 28 about 'disrupters'...not sure if these might be classified into this category).

Keep up the excellent work for us small DIY investors!!!

Read Answer Asked by Stephen on October 13, 2020
Q: Are you confident in semi's now? How would you rank amat, lrcx, photon? Any other pick-and-shovel plays you prefer? Do you prefer individual semi makers or an etf to these 3. Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Ken on October 13, 2020
Q: Hi 5i team,
I have a small position (2%) in XLNX. I keep a foothold in a few tech stocks where takeover rumours have surfaced in the past. Citi doesn't think Xilinx management will agree to an acquisition by AMD due to the company's dominant position in the high-margin programmable logic device market. The Citi analyst also speculates that Qualcomm made a bid for XLNX a few years ago that was turned down. What do you think the odds are of the AMD bid happening shortly and the chances of another bidder emerging?
Thanks again for the insight.
Read Answer Asked by Dave on October 13, 2020
Q: Last April United Technologies became Raytheon and spun off Carrier and Otis. Initially Revenue Canada (CRA) deemed the Carrier and OTIS spin-off values as 100% taxable (incredible I know) as opposed to a 50% taxable capital gain. I know this is not your area of expertise but I'm sure many of your members were affected due to the sheer size of UTX. Do you know if the CRA ruling has been changed or is it still 100% taxable?
Read Answer Asked by DAVE on October 13, 2020
Q: Hello Peter, Ryan and Team,

I've been reading more about Sprout Social, and the idea of social media management sounds like a valuable corporate service for the current and future times. Can you give a little detail about how you see it as a potential higher-risk play? The share price has certainly rocketed up since the IPO, and I'm undecided about whether to wait for a pullback (if there is one) or jump in and hope the momentum continues. Any thoughts would be appreciated. Thank you. Brad
Read Answer Asked by Bradley on October 13, 2020