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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Can I have a short list of American renewable energy companies for a 3 year hold.
Interested in growth mostly.
Thank You
Read Answer Asked by Peter on October 29, 2020
Q: I bought few of these "cloud stocka " only from what i gatheredQuestions on 5 i .
Veeva and Docu seems well accepted.
Fsly and Ayx very volatile
Do i continue to hold the latter tw or perhaps switch to Team and Roku which 5 i seems considers reasonably attractive
Read Answer Asked by thambirajah on October 29, 2020
Q: Hello Peter,
I would like your assessment of DXCM after the earnings call. The growth rate has not tapered, the valuation on P/E and P/B looks to be in line with growth companies such as CRWD, VEEV etc. The product has now access to the european market, which probably was not part of the equation earlier quarter. Apart from the impending retirement of a senior executive, what would cause the sharp drop relative to the market?
Would this be a candidate for capital loss sale and buy in Dec or Jan?
Look forward to your thoughts.
Read Answer Asked by Rajiv on October 29, 2020
Q: Hi,

1)In the next 2-3 years do you think REITS or utilities will do better (some growth, less volatility)?
2)Can you suggest 2 CDN reits and 2 CDN utilities you feel comfy with>
3) Can you suggest 2 US reits and 2 US utilities you feel comfy with?
Read Answer Asked by Graeme on October 28, 2020
Q: Given that US Stock dividends in a TFSA are subject to US withholding tax, is there any particular type of stock that you would recommend for a TFSA for a senior who has moderate risk tolerance? Thanks for your help.
Read Answer Asked by Pat on October 28, 2020
Q: I have noticed a lot of insider selling lately and wonder whether these actions should raise concern. I note your previous response about individuals, even insiders, wanting to use some of the profits or rebalance their investment portfolio(among a couple of good reasons), but when four individuals in the same company start cashing in, should we, the ordinary investor be concerned. What is your current position on these names?- hold or adjust?

Thank you

Read Answer Asked by Peter on October 28, 2020
Q: Hi 5i team,
This morning AMD announced its long rumoured takeover offer for XLNX. XLNX shareholders get 1.7 shares of AMD. CNBC reports it as a valuing XLNX at $143 per share, although AMD is under some pressure in the pre-market. I assume the long closing date of end 2021 is also a drag on XLNX upside. I may or may not hold onto XLNX. Is AMD a good buy here, with some pressure on it, in the fight against INTC or are there better growth candidates in the chip sector?
Thanks again for the insight.
Read Answer Asked by Dave on October 28, 2020
Q: Hello 5i Team. I have a moderate risk tolerance and am looking to make a long term contrarian play with up to 10% of my portfolio on a couple of well established names that have been squeezed by COVID, but will ultimately endure (strong balance sheets) and prosper in a post COVID world. I can stomach volatility, but want to stay away from companies that have a higher chance of going to zero. Air Canada has caught my attention and it is well covered in your question bank. I was planning on pulling the trigger on it, but before I do, can I get a risk/reward comparison between it and Southwest Airlines. Between the two, which would you go with? For my second play, I am considering MGM Resorts International and American Express. Can I get your take on these two, and specifically for American Express, whether its business model is more inclined to benefit than the other major credit card companies once a vaccine arrives and travel starts to pick up. I realize that these are two very different businesses, but which would you go with and why?
Read Answer Asked by Antonio on October 28, 2020
Q: After the announced AMD takeover would you suggest selling now or hold on in a margin account? At what price point a sale would represent fair value? In general, i have not been able to figure out a selling price for any candidate that has been bought either for cash or a combination of stock and cash. How do you calculate that?
Read Answer Asked by Rajiv on October 27, 2020